Sister with McPancakes

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Me and Beckett were woken up by a nurse. "Will you two please follow me?" She was an energetic, short brunette with dark copper eyes. "Sure" I say, knowing Beckett was finally coming around to the idea of Molly not coming back. We walk down a long narrow hallway, it seems to be a little noisy. "Here you are then, one guest bedroom. Equipped with a bed, two pillows, and a blanket." I was so confused. The nurse started to walk away. "Wait!" I call after her. "Yes dear?" "I'm confused, why are you bringing us here?" She looks at me with bright eyes. "Your mom requested it, get some sleep you two." She gives us a reassuring smile and walks away.

Beckett and I close the door and flop down on the bed. The walls are sound proof for once. Beckett gets under the blanket to warm up. He lifts it up so I can squeeze under. We lay there for what feels like hours just staring into each others eyes. "Thank you." He says, breaking the silence between us. "For what?" I'm too tired to think so I am confused by this easily. "For being there." He says this simply before holding my hand and falling back asleep.

I lay awake wondering, where is Beckett going to go? What's going to happen now? What will Nickolas do? Is my father returning? All these thoughts are buzzing through my head. Before I can think of any answers, there's a knock at the door. It slightly opens, someone peaks there head through. "Rylie we need to talk." It was my mom. I crawl out of bed, making sure to not disturb my broken best friend laying next to me like a dead leaf.

She drags me into the hallway. "What's going on mom?" I say this wearily. "I want you to get a good night's sleep, you will be taking Beckett home to our house tomorrow. I will call Devin and tell him everything, I'll make sure he spreads the word around so no one says or does something stupid. I have to stay here for a couple days and sort everything out." I look into her eyes, she so brave. "Mom" I ask hesitantly, "where is Beckett going to stay? Are Nickolas and..." I pause. "Mitch going to come, did they find out?" My mom gives me a shy smile.

"Beckett is staying with us. He's going to be living there until you two graduate. As for Nickolas and Mitch, don't worry about them. They are never coming near you guys again. Now go get some rest, you need to take care of him when you get home okay? He will stay in your room for now, you may sleep in my room." "Okay mom, I love you" She gives me one last smile. "I love you too my brave little angel." Then she's gone. Down the hall sorting everything out.

I walk back into the room and climb under the covers. "Hey, look who's my real sister now." Beckett says with a chuckle. "Beckett you should be sleeping, you've had a rough day." His smile drops and he hugs me. Pulling me closer to him he brushes the hair out of my face. "Rylie, my mom wouldn't want me to suffer over her. I remember talking with her, she said when she died to be happy. To put everyone else in a good mood, because she will always be in my heart. I know she will be, always. Don't get me wrong, I love my mom, but I also respect her. I am going to respect her wish of me being happy. It might just take me a couple days." I look at his eyes. "What?" He asks. "Is something wrong?" "No" I reply. "All I was saying is you should sleep, you'll get overly tired. Molly would want you to sleep too." He smiles at this and drifts off to sleep.

"I wish we could take this blanket. It's so comfy." Beckett and I are getting ready to leave. "I have some spare money in the car you want breakfast?" Beckett turns quick and smirks "You know it." I look back into his eyes letting a small smile slip through to my cheeks. "Egg McMuffin and McPancakes it is." Beckett and I laugh at this. Whenever we eat breakfast together we go to McDonalds. One time a guy couldn't remember what the hot cakes were called so he called them McPancakes. Hence the name McPancakes. I was happy to see Beckett in a good mood. He was right, Molly didn't want him to fall apart. She knew he was independent and could hold himself together. Such a good person.

We finally arrive home. Stopping on the way so Beckett could grab all his stuff. Beckett runs into the house screaming at the top of his lungs "I'M HOME DEVIN!" In a super girly voice. Stupid Devin thought it was me. He yells down "HEY RYLIE! HOWS BECKETT HOLDING UP?!" Beckett chuckles, when Devin reaches the bottom of the stairs he turns pale. "Beckett I'm so..." Beckett looks around. "I always knew this was my real home. My mom loved visiting you guys." Devin is confused and scared by this, Beckett notices. "Don't be scared Devin, I'm fine. I'm sad obviously, but I know mom wouldn't want me to mope around being all depressed." He smiles at Devin, you can tell Beckett is still in pain. Devin returns a weak smile, "Molly would be so proud of you right now." He gives Beckett a giant hug. "Thanks, Dev."

Beckett refused to carry in his stuff, "I'll leave them in the car for now, I'll get them later." "Fine" I respond in a bubbly sarcastic tone, "but I'm not gonna end up carrying them for you. I refuse." "Okay, I'm cool with that. I just wanted to raid your kitchen for 'energy'." He winks. We have a good laugh about this, same old Beckett.


Hey guys! I hope you've been enjoying this four chapter event! Sorry if its boring you! Life will stop sucking soon!

Until then keep commenting and reading! See you next chapter!! :)

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