Boys in the Hot Tub

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A couple weeks have past now. Beckett has moved into his new place. But, in his exact words, he is "Refusing to unpack, because it's not home." We planned on getting together this weekend but he had an orientation for his new school. Speaking of school, Chase has officially transferred to my school and starts next Monday. He wants to meet me this weekend. If only Beckett could be there too, I guess I'm on my own now.

I wake up to Guns and Roses blasting into my ears. I jolt up to see my annoying brother, Devin. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU DEVIN!" I scream at him, since I had just woken up it didn't sound anything like I said yet more like "WHUT WRONG TH OO DEVIN!" He chuckles, "It's eight o'clock silly. I have waffles going now, mom had an urgent meeting so it's just you and me." Yay me. "Until nine anyways I'm headed to Josh's house." Josh is Devin's best friend. They hang out all the time, like me and Beckett. I swear my mother pays Josh big bucks. Maybe that's why she's always working? I get up shower, dress, and prepare for the long day ahead of me. "Waffles are done! Help yourself to what you want I'm leaving early to pick a couple things up before I go to Josh's!" I don't believe it when my brother's teachers brag about how quite he is in class. "Love you!" I yell back "Be safe!" He chuckles "You know me too well Rylie. Love you too. Be safe with that Chase boy, I don't need to come home and find my sister..." I cut him off. "Devin!" I yell, but before I have time to sound out another letter the door slams shut.

The rest of my day was pretty relaxing, I went to the water park with a couple of people from school. I did my homework, then got ready for a night of movies and candy. I was upstairs when the phone rang. It was my dad...


Hey baby! How's it going? I heard about Beckett, are you okay?

Mitch (my dad), if you cared you wouldn't have left.

Then I hung up. I wasn't ready to talk to him, that alone took me 11 years. No one except my mother, brother, and Beckett knew what happened and I plan to keep it that way.

I walk upstairs after the phone call to take a small recovery nap. When I enter my room I'm drawn to a shiny motorcycle helmet with a small piece of torn paper laying still next to it. Wanna ride? At that moment I hear a motorcycle engine burst to life, breaking the simple silence in the cool, crisp night air. Because I am a very adventurous and curious person I run downstairs and jump on. He drives out to a large forest full of Spruce. He follows a rugged narrow trail to a flat field. I follow in his footsteps. We get to the field and stood motionless. As if we were absorbing the silence to fill the gap between us. "Why did you bring me here?" I finally ask, breaking the silence. Everything was so motionless that even though I was whispering, I sounded like I was screaming. Chase looks dead ahead peering at the open fields that appear to be slightly glowing from the moonlight. "I have a feeling..." He begins then pauses. "I have a feeling you aren't going to like me at first, but you will have a sudden change of heart when you find out the truth." I was slightly turned on by this comment. What does he mean the truth? Is he some kind of vampire slaying werewolf? Maybe werewolves exist and he's afraid I'm an Argent. Okay, maybe I obsess over Teen Wolf too much.

We sit there the rest of the night in silence. It was weird, I didn't really understand what was happening. More then that, why am I trusting him with my life? I let him drive me to an abandoned corn field for goodness sakes! I think I may need help with my trust levels, or food. I may just need food. I mean come on food solves everything right?!

I wake up the next morning with the rest of last night being a foggy memory. I find Chase watching me from the windowsill. "What are you..." Before I can finish he vanishes in the flutter of white laced curtains. What was he doing in my room? Weird. I make a bowl of cereal, Fruity Pebbles to be exact. After breakfast and a shower I go for a walk. I need to walk with music blasting in my ear as if there's no tomorrow. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you think straight. I actually managed to throw on some nice clothes for once instead of looking like a walking hobo zombie. It seems to me that I look like I have natural hobo in me, like it's in my blood or something.

While walking I run into no other then three of the most popular people in my school. Tyler, Dylan, and Scott. Yes I know they are all off of Teen Wolf, coincidence, completely I didn't decide their names! Silly people think I'm making it up, if you weren't cool, maybe your like me and you just don't think like that...welcome to the club homies! They all shoot me a look, I know that look. It's a look that means, what is that a potato? Yep that's right. Even though I made an attempt I look like a potato. They must've heard about Chase coming. Don't ask me why it is, but those boys hear about new people like that. Its almost like they call a secret first dibs on any 'cool looking' new person and they get first crack with them.

Sure enough when I came home that night they were all over at Chase's house partying. This just became the worst night ever. I crawl into bed exhausted from taking an all day power walk, which I lost three pounds doing and am very proud of. Not to brag but I didn't trip once either, well in front of anyone anyways. I start to fall asleep when the boys start yelling to get my attention. "What?!" I snapped back, instantly feeling bad. "Can we hang in your hot tub?" I roll my eyes annoyed to my last nerve, "I don't care just be quite and shut it up when you're done." I start to turn when I hear Tyler yell up one last thing. "Hey Rylie! Wanna join us, we could use a pretty face around. It'll make things interesting." He slips me a dirty smirk. Letting a small chuckle escape his throat. I slam the window shut and go to bed. The next morning I wake up with all the guys in my room, watching me sleep. Scott sees I'm awake now, he smiles. "Good morning sunshine."


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I really want you guys to express your feelings and thoughts about this book! Let me know anything you think should happen or even something completely random that someone could do!

*sneak peek at a later chapter* random things such as Beckett showing up one weekend digging in Rylie's fridge.

Also sorry if there are mistakes in this story! Just send me a private message and I'll be sure to fix it! I am not a good proof reader *if y'all can't tell already ;)*

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