Paybacks and Phone Calls

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I tried screaming at them but nothing came out. They started laughing at my attempt to squirm free from whatever was holding me back. "Tyler, you should probably get off her legs now" Chase chuckles. Tyler gets off my legs and lays at my side. He looks over at me "So cupcake, what do you want for breakfast? Pancakes? Waffles? Fruit bowl? Cereal? Oat meal?" He busts up laughing before he can continue. Just then I catch something moving behind me, against my dark oak back board. I jump turning around, falling right into Dylan's arms. Chase was trying to hide under my pillows. The failed attempt left him looking stupid but kept the guys entertained. I felt my stomach drop, little did they know I was very good about hiding my emotions. "Why are you all here? I mean I know you can't resist falling in love with the view, but did you really have to sneak in while I was sleeping?" Yes, I am very moody in the mornings. Basically bipolar. Dylan and Chase looked at each other with an amused look. I was wondering where Tyler and Scott had disappeared too.

Scott and Tyler had returned not to long after I realised they were gone. I was flushed by anger, embarrassment, and confusion. I see them holding something behind their backs. "What's that?" I should have never asked. They are holding four full cans of whipped cream...EACH!!! Next thing I know, I'm screaming at them to get out of my house with white foam flowing like lava down my face. I was so mad, there are no words in this world to describe what I felt. Stupid guys, think they are so bad.

After showering I walk into my room to get dressed, taking greater precaution after my "incident" earlier. I honestly didn't really mind. I mean, it was a room full of hot popular guys from my school. My age!

I went downstairs, something was sitting on the table. It was pancakes and a note. Dang Chase. I open his note. Love me yet princess? After all, I am the most attractive bad boy around ;) Gosh I hate Chase right now. I'm not sure if I can trust the pancakes, but my tummy says otherwise.

"Feed me! FEED ME!!" My stomach yells at me. "Shh. I'll eat the stupid pancakes. But if you don't like them I will be mad at you, I don't need puke ruining my day."

I walk to the park. No way they could bug me here, and as always I was wrong. There they all sat. Chase looked directly my way, crap. "Hey best friend! Miss this pretty face yet? Did you come because you were dying to kiss it? What am I saying...of COURSE you came to kiss it!" I feel warmth flood my cheeks again, I felt as everyone's eyes fell on me. Its like I was just sat on by an elephant, those few eyes that fell late were the tail they sorta glanced then trailed off on their own. "No actually. A slimy fish wouldn't want to kiss those lips." He smirks, "Good thing your a slimy dead fish." I push on strong like a ram. "So now your a slimy dead fish kisser? Good to know. I bet all your little girlfriends would just love to hear that! You should really mention it after you say how pretty their dresses are instead of before. Then maybe you'll get a little action seems how you haven't gotten any for a while." He stood froze, he had an expression of shock painted across his face. His eyes lit up, he was impressed by my come back. I laugh at his tightened fists, he shows weakness and frustration with his white knuckles. Such a fool. I walk over to the now froze in place Chase. I lean into his ear and whisper ever so slightly. "Don't mess with me, I can play that game all day and you won't win." I give him a playful kiss on the cheek as I walk away, I knew how much crap I'd get for it. I also knew how humiliated he will be and that the crap he gets from his friends will be twenty times worse, it was worth every second I wasted.

Rarely do I let my bad side show, I felt sorta bad for the guy. I humiliated him in front of everyone at the park for heavens sake! Oh well, that's what he gets for coming into my room like that. That kiss ended well for him, I guess his friends won't leave him alone. It was pretty bitter sweet, I kissed him jokingly then punched him in the shoulder making it seem like he kissed me. "Eww! Get away from me you fish kisser!" I screamed and walked away. *announcer* and the trophy of hot humiliation goes to...not a surprise here folks! No other then Rylie!!! And the crowd goes wild!

I come home to another note. Wow princess, you really hold up your own fort. Good job beautiful ;)

I call Beckett after this. I told him EVERYTHING.

Did Chase just call me beautiful?!


Stay tuned for more Rylie and Chase battles! Comment if you have any ideas for the story!

Hope you like it! Comment your favorite parts!!! Enjoy, my readers! I'll catch you all next chapter ;)

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