Truth or Movie?

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A month has past by now. Everything seems pretty much back to normal, it's nice to have Becket around so much. Most people think I'm sick of him, but I'm not one bit. He's actually been gone a lot lately. Out with his new boyfriend, yes Beckett is gay. So if you are confused about why we cuddled so much and it wasn't awkward, BING that's why. Now that that foggy confused head of yours is bright and sunny, I'm gonna ruin it. Actually Chase is, because he just walked in.

No ones home with me when Chase comes over. "Hey Rylie!" He screams jumping into my room. I had Eminem blasting so loud I didn't even hear him. More or less heard a huge thud as my bed shook, only to look down and see him. I smile "That never gets old." I wink playfully. His face starts turning red, just then I notice I'm sitting on my bed with a baggy sweatshirt and black booty shorts. "What enjoying the view?" I chuckle, "Your fault for breaking into my room get again." He gives a playful smirk back, "I am actually, fire's spreading through my veins. Wanna try something new baby?" I punch him in the shoulder "Your so nasty!" He smiles. "I meant a ride to somewhere new you dirty minded bad girl." My heart flutters at the sound of bad girl.

He hands me the bike helmet. I grab it quick, "Last one their has to buy ice cream on the way back!" I race downstairs and out the door. Only to find Chase waiting there by the motorcycle. Confused and slightly worn out I pause and ask "How did you get here so fast?!" "I jumped out the window." "Oh my gosh! That's like a ten foot drop!" I was scared for his safety. Obviously he had fallen on his head one too many times, if you catch my drift. "Actually it's eight, and no it didn't hurt. See?" He starts walking to the side of the house. There was a super tall air mattress there. "I know you too well Rylie, now let's go!"

We ride to an abandoned barn about an hour away. We get off he turns to me "The guys are already here. By the way, I like mine with extra sprinkles princess." I stop dead in my tracks. "What?!" He busts up laughing "Little brained Rylie sure has a dirty mind." I stare confused like a blond trying to make a pickle out of carrots, being surprised when it doesn't work. "My ice cream Rylie, remember?" I turn red, the things I thought he meant. I laugh at my own blondness. Chase rolls his eyes and walks into the barn.

The Boyz are all sitting there waiting, some other girls are there too. Chase sees the panic in my eyes. He turns to me "Rylie, these are some of the crazy chicks we are related to." He names them off one by one, and says how and who they are related too. We sit playing Truth or Dare for hours.

Its almost sunset, there was only three of us left Chase, Tyler, and me. Chase turns to Tyler, "Well, I should probably get cutie here back home." Tyler winks and makes some hand sign, Chase responds with something and they laugh. "Alright morons, knock it off I'm tired." Chase looks at me then back at Tyler, laughing harder. Shaking me head I walk to the motorcycle parked across the field under a tree. I can hear Chase, "Alright, I better get her home before she falls asleep in bed with me. She's not the only one that's tired. *chuckles* Catch you later man."

We start driving back home, he pulls over all of a sudden. "Can we talk?" For once I'm speechless, okay so maybe not for the first time. "Sure, bout what?" He looks at his feet nervously, "Rylie, do you think we are getting close?" "There's several feet between us, but I guess that could be close." My level of sarcasm was very high right now, I chuckle grimly at my answer. He pulls me closer, we are less then an inch away now. "Now that we are closer, you wanna go see a movie?" I'm shaking so close to him, also impressed with his come back. His beautiful eyes were gazing right into, like a romantic deer caught in pink romantic headlights. WOAH! Hold on, did I just call his gaze romantic?! Calm down Rylie, play that game straight back at him. "Rylie, I'm serious. I want is to be really close. I feel like we are already, but I know you feel different." I smell his sweet calming cologne. "Sure" I reply playfully. "On one condition." "What's that?" I start letting the smile rip away the corners of my mouth, "You pay for it, and the Icees. Deal?" He rolls his eyes "If I can get your sweet lips on mine." He smirks with evil stabbing and pulling at the corners of his lips. I slap him hard on the chest, "Only in your dreams fish kisser." I wink sassily back his way. "I hate it when you act bad pretty girl." "I know, now let's go." I honestly wanted to stay and talk, but I could feel every last nerve in my face dancing with fire. I knew I was bright red, that's embarrassing.

"Thanks, I had fun tonight." I give him a hug and the helmet. "Good night Rylie, see you tomorrow for that movie. Eight sharp." I was lit up by this "Bye bad boy, don't accidentally fall on some other girl on the way home. If you do I'm not going." "No promises." He jokes, he's awfully flirty tonight.


Hey guys!! Thanks for hanging in so long! It's really fun to type for you guys! Love all my fans, whether it is one or twenty.

Stay tuned to see how the little "date" goes!

I'll see you next chapter my lovelies!

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