Apology Pillow

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*Rylie's PoV*

I couldn't stop wondering why there was a coffee cup rolling around in my yard. It's been there for weeks. I finally go to pick it up, there was something written on it.

To: Rylie
I messed up big time, but not on the Carmel Peppermint Latte with extra foam :)

Why did he do this? Did he just want to talk? Maybe I was overreacting on this whole thing. Then again, he told me there was someone else. I guess maybe he just felt bad about what his girlfriend did. Do I talk to him?

*Chase's PoV*

I saw that coffee mug roll around on the ground for weeks. It felt more like years. One day it just disappeared, I'm guessing Rylie got tired of seeing it. Did she read what I wrote on it? Can she forgive my foolish self, no she'll never forgive me. I was cruel and I broke her. She has no faith in me anymore, she shows no interest anymore. I messed up too bad, she deserves better.

*Rylie's PoV*

I have to talk to him. I just have to. I feel awful, I didn't give him a second chance. I will, I'm going to talk to him tonight. Tonight the winds change, I go to his window tonight.

That night I walk to my window and froze. He was looking at me getting ready to come up here. We smirk. "So you had the same idea as me?" I blush. "I wanted to say I'm sorry for texting you that. You wanna come down?" I jump down into his room. "Woah!" I gasp. He had posters everywhere! I look around. The Cab, Guns and Roses, Lincoln Park. It was stunning! Everywhere that there weren't posters or concert tickets there was black paint and white lightning bolts. "Pretty beautiful huh?" He says this grabbing my arm. Before I know it he sets me on his bed. He sits next to me. "Why did you tell me that?" I finally ask breaking my silence streak. He starts explaining his story. I awkwardly look at my feet once in a while. It took a while but everything he said made sense. I still wasn't sure if I could trust him yet, after all he is a bad boy. What if he was just playin' me?

"Wait here Rylie, I'll be right back!" I nod my head in agreement. Sitting on his bed gave me butterflies. It was odd. I had never felt that before, not with a guy. I scoot back against his headboard to rest my back on it. I held a pillow in my lap, legs crossed. He comes in a couple minutes later with a coffee cup. He hands it to me. "What's this?" I ask. He smiles lightly, "Carmel Peppermint Latte with extra foam." His smile grew more and more while he said it. I blushed, big time.

What the heck?! Its like he was putting me in some kind of trance! His sweet voice was like liquid sugar.

I start drinking the coffee when I feel a hand placed on my leg. I jump at the feel, it was like a spark. This is so weird. "Do you like it?" I nod sipping the heavenly beverage. His smile grew even better, at this point I didn't even know that was possible. "Good. I didn't know I could cook." We both paused for a moment before laughing hysterically. "That's not cooking stupid." I say. I take another sip and come up with a foam mustache. Chase laughed as I wiped it away. "Awww" he sighs "You looked so cute like that." Such a bad boy accent.

He spent the night seems we were both home alone for the night. Our moms went out to finally meet. His mom is very busy, as well as mine. Devin was gone again, hanging with Josh. I still think Josh gets paid. Beckett was out on a date. It was odd but relaxing. Chase and I sat in the hot tub for awhile, watched movies, jammed out to music, ate food, watched more movies, then fell asleep.

I wake up the next morning to him making waffles, yummy. I walk over and sit down on the stool. He turns to me "Good morning my little ogre princess!" I stick my tongue out at him and walk up stairs to change. I change into a Lincoln Park sweater and skinny jeans. I didn't try to hard. I walk back downstairs. Chase checks me out, scanning up and down. "What? You've never seen a pretty girl?" He locks eyes while giving me an evil smirk, "No I've never known an ogre so good at dressing themselves up like a doll." What a player.

I decided to leave for a walk. I had to pick up groceries, yes I do that a lot but that's because my friends and I always eat all the food. I figure I could at least restock the kitchen. Chase decides to come with me. We go the whole way playing truth or dare. He dared me anything from licking a tree to holding his hand. "Truth or dare?" He asks, he has a look on his face like he has something up his sleeve. "Dare" I state, confident of my choice. "Kiss the bad boy" he says. "What bad boy?" My smile is cheesy. "I thought it was me?" I look at him. "No your like a pillow. Soft until your neck gets propped too high, then it hurts for weeks." He smirks at this. "So you think I'm a softy?" He says trying to hold my hand. "Not at the least!" I scream yanking my hand from his. "Do that one more time and I'll punch you."


Hey readers!! I know this chapter is kind of everywhere, this is the long drawn out apology though everything will be back to normal in no time!! Aka next chapter ;)

Comment on ideas for things that Rylie and Chase can do! Also comment your idea on this...

Where do you think Chase and Rylie will end up? Will they date soon or is Chase doing this to be closer with Rylie?

See you next chapter!! :)

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