Shots fired

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When you hear stories of people holding a gun to your head, you would've never thought this could happen to you or anyone you know or anyone you live by. But it does come true, and this was the case. Except for me, it was the one person that makes my world spin. It was happening to the girl I love the most and the worst part is, I didn't know it yet.

*Chase's PoV*

All I wanted to do was see Rylie. I was debating whether to go see her or not, I felt if I went she'd label me clingy. I debated between my options for quite a while, probably too long actually. I always over think everything that involves her, I don't really know if that's healthy or not but we'll just say it is for my sake.

I watch a show called Teen Wolf, Rylie always obsesses over it so I figured that was my warning to watch it. I watch the first four episodes. It's actually not bad.

I feel my eyes growing heavy. I tried really hard to stay awake. I open my eyes and look at the T.V. I don't remember any of this. What's happening to McCall? So staying awake obviously didn't work, I end up taking a two hour nap. Ooops...

I walk out to the kitchen and make some food. As I'm putting the final touches on my honey ham and cheese sandwich I happen to look out the window and see Rylie's house. Has this window always been here? Oops...

The blind were all folded down in the living room. Not thinking anything of it, I took my sandwich and went back to where I left off on Teen Wolf. I watched this for quite a while. As in the I sat and finished the season. There went three hours of my life, and it was worth every second.

I walk back out to the kitchen to return my empty plate. I saw that Rylie's blinds were still down. Something smells fishy here. I look down and see a bad of thawing fish. Okay besides the actual fish....something's up for sure.

I still didn't want her to think that I was clingy. I ignore this thought for a while and take, yet another, nap. I had a strange dream.

She was laying on the couch, struggling to breathe. "No!" She is shouting at the top of her lungs, sobbing. "No please! Have mercy!" I try to find something, ANYTHING that I could use to break in and help. I run to a nearby tree and grab the hanging branch, ripping it from it's post. I hurdle it into the window. Thunk! I try again, failing. Her head gets shoved to the window, she pounds her palm against it. Her tears fall like dripping rain, "Help me! Someone anyone!" I walk to the window slow and steady, horrified of the sight in front of me. She sees me, "Chase! Chase please...PLEASE help me!" She was choking on her tears, sobbing uncontrollably. She smacks the window...thunk...thunk......thunk........thunk. Until finally all I can hear is her tapping, she's running out of strength. Then it happens...

This is when I wake up. I wake up to the sound of the gun shot. I open my eyes paralyzed in fear. Was that an actual gun shot? I lay awake for a while, nothing. Must've, hopefully, been a bad dream.

I walk down to the living room, slowly and groggy. Ugh, my head is pounding. I wasn't gonna take anything though, too lazy. I make a smoothie and flop down on the couch. The smoothie was pretty good, even though it seems weird for a guy to drink a smoothie by himself, I loved them. I could drink them all day.

Not five, minutes later I hear another gun shot. I freeze, I could feel my heartbeat rising rapidly. I hear someone screaming. Rylie? I rush to the window. Her blinds are still down, untouched for hours.

What's going on? What's wrong? Is it even her getting hurt? Oh my gosh, Rylie could be hurt! I ran over and wiggle the doorknob. Locked. Remembering my dream I grab a shovel, seems how it was the only thing around, and throw it to the window. It doesn't break, "Aaaaagh!" I scream, throwing it harder at the window. Nothing still, not even a crack. I pick it up, gripping it hard in my hands, and start beating it with the shovel.

The more I had to hit the window, the stronger the hits grew. I was so raged and scared right now. My girl is trapped and I can't even get in! The window finally starts to shatter. Cracking, crackling, shattering, it's open. I rush inside, faster then ever.

She's no where to be seen. I run around everywhere, searching in every corner and cabinet in sight. I look for any sign of escape, but none showed through. I hear a muffled scream from upstairs. I rush up, will I make it in time? Who is this person anyways?

I run upstairs, only tripping once. I was so focused on Rylie it didn't slow me down the slightest. I enter her room, a man had her trapped in the corner holding a gun to her head. I look down where she was holding her hands in a firm grip, her leg was bleeding.

Her face grew more and more pale as we stood there froze, not moving a muscle even to breathe. "What do you want from her? Haven't you done enough!" I shout this pointing at her leg. He gives me a menacing look. "I'm almost done here." He gets ready to shoot, pushing his luck too far. "No!" I scream and lunge myself twords him.

He shoots a worrying glance before shooting twords me. I look into Rylie's eyes. "I love you." I mutter, then all goes black.

So guys, here's the thing. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while and the chapter ended on a cliff hanger, but school has been really stressful lately so I should be updating more often (hopefully).

So what do you think? Will Chase find out who the attempted murderer is? Will him and Rylie survive? Will they see each other again?

Find out next chapter!!

Also would like to give a shout out to BriannaShaw5 for helping me out with the chapter!! I need people to help me take over her message board so she publishes her book and sticks with it! She's an amazing writer but doesn't believe in herself and it makes me really upset because she ALWAYS leaves me on a cliff hanger and deletes the book. So please help me do it!!! She's too good to see it.

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