Living Arrangements

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I grab Beckett and pull him into the hallway. He screams. "NO!!!!! MOM!!! NOT NOW!! MOM!!" He's sobbing. I can't help but let all of my tears I've been holding back escape. Two teenagers sitting in the hall, screaming and sobbing. Losing all control, not able to function. I look in the room, up at the monitor...what I was afraid to see. Molly was flat lined. They were getting ready to call time of death when I looked away. I wrapped myself around Beckett who was shaking uncontrollably. I cling tight, I don't know why but compression always helps calm nerves. Beckett soon stops shaking he sits there sobbing. "She was fine" he managed to pant, "She was fine one minute and dying the next!!! She doesn't deserve this!!! SHE DOESN'T DESERVE THIS!!!!" He sits screaming and cursing at the world for not healing her. He just watched his whole life suffer and die right before his eyes, the worst part is. He still doesn't know she flat lined.

I hold him next to me for the rest of the night. I called my mom since Beckett was alone, he was too upset to answer any of the doctors questions. My mom arrives after I get Beckett to try to sleep. He had his eyes closed, he was holding the bracelet tight in his hand. My mom teared up. "Rylie, did Molly really...?" She trails off not knowing if Beckett knows or if its even true. "Yes and yes." She knows what I mean, nodding her head in agreement. She's crying now. "I'm going to go talk to the doctors now, I'm sure they need answers. I don't want you to leave him alone okay? Wait until I'm back to leave. It shouldn't take long." I nod my head in agreement. Wiggling my arm through his and squeezing his hand ever so slightly, he let's out a small breath. He's finally asleep. I set my head on his shoulder, feeling tired I fall asleep with him.

*Mom's conversation with the doctor,  mom's PoV*

I walked over to the counter. The nurse looks up, she smiles cheerful and bubbly. Its a little sickening. "Can I help you?" "Yes, I need to speak with the doctor that's working with..." I started to choke. "working with the family of Molly Shamin." That was so hard to say, I started tearing up. No, I had to be strong for Molly.

"Can I help with something?" A booming voice came from behind me. I turn quick to see, what I'm assuming, was Molly's doctor. "Are you the doctor that was working with Molly Shamin." "Yes, I was" he answers with a sympathetic expression. "Are you related?" "No, I'm here on behalf of the only other family member she has, her son." He looks in Beckett's direction. "Yes, that poor boy. You see, before we can discuss anything we must discuss the living arrangements he faces. He has two options, living with a family member or going into foster care."

I stare at him blankly, surprised at what he said. "Foster Care?! Are you insane! That boy just lost his entire life and you suggest putting him with someone he doesn't even know? In a place far from his home?!" I'm set off by this, flames coming alive dancing through my face. "I'm sorry to set you off, I'm required to state all of his options. To be honest I don't think he should be with anyone outside of family. The only family member listed is his father, Nickolas Shamin." I look at my feet briefly before turning my eyes back to him. "Never will he live with his dad." I trail off, the doctor looks at the sheet in his hand. "Oh I see, that poor boy."

Nickolas abandoned Molly and Beckett when Beckett was young, he ran away with my ex husband Mitch. They were such cowards, but most of all Nickolas was the coward. "Well, this is not my decision. Molly left Kristen Hanson to the decision making." "Your speaking with her right now so we might as well discus this and come to a conclusion."

"Proceed" he says, looking at me with a cold stare. "What if he lives with me?" I say. "Would that be an option?" He considers this for a moment. "If you pass the examination I don't see why you couldn't. After all, Molly did leave you with the rights to his life." "Then how can I take the examination? And how soon can he move in? The boy can't stay at home forever." I say this with confidence. Molly would want this. "I'll take you to the right people. It will take about an hour to an hour and a half, will Beckett and that other girl be alright for a bit or should I have a nurse stay with them?" I debate for a couple seconds. "They should be fine but could you maybe move them to a room with a bed and blankets? They've had it really rough today." "Of course, I will put them into the guest rooms. If you guys are too tired to drive back feel welcome to spend the night, we wouldn't want any accidents."

I walk down the hallway with him. "Its right here. Sorry for your..." I cut him off. "Thank you that will be all." I knock on the door and it comes open. A lady sits on the chair at a red cedar desk. "Come in and let's get started." She says with a smile. This is what Molly would want.


Hey you guys! Sorry these chapters have all tied together I don't want them to be to long though! Hope you are enjoying the book! And sorry for all of the mistakes ive had the past couple chapters! I'm awful at that but will try to fix it soon!

Keep giving me feedback so I know how you like it :)

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