Coffee Makes You Cry

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*Chase's PoV*

After the movie Rylie laughed at me making an attempt to be friends. That's not what set me off though, her saying I'm a bad boy and I couldn't ask to be close to her set me off. I don't know what I was thinking, my head was to cloudy to think straight right now. I needed to protect her. Crap, she's gonna wanna talk tomorrow. I sit debating for a moment, finally deciding to text her. Before I worked up the courage to I decide to text my friend from back home. We had a thing between us going for a while, but it was getting old and she was getting to be really annoying. I text her.

Keep away, I have someone else and don't need you anymore.

Usually, knowing her, she'd text back almost instantly furious. An hour had passed by and no response. I look at my phone, since it doesn't always work, crap. Of course when things couldn't get any worse with Rylie, they do. Instead of sending it to my friend it sent to Rylie. I was doomed. I couldn't stand the thought of apologizing right now, she's probably devastated. I feel awful. I don't know how to apologize though, or when!

Weeks have passed by now, I've barely seen any of my friends. I can't even look Rylie in the eye, I can't look because I can't stand seeing her hurt. The thing I hate most is seeing the hurt in a girls eyes, especially she it was because of ME.

I called my friend to tell her in person about us. I thought to go to Caribou because I thought I'd bring Rylie a coffee and explain everything when I was done. After about an hour after her arrival I tell her. She said that it was okay it was puppy love and we needed to just move on. I told her we could still be friends we just couldn't get jealous if the other had a mate. I tried giving her a friendly kiss on the cheek when I hear a voice from behind me. I jump up recognizing the sarcastic comment, "Rylie?!" My cheeks flood with warmth. I was so happy to see her but knew she was mad. So was my friend, she gave me that Really?! You've already replaced me kinda look. "Really?" That's all I hear, I'm joyed to see Rylie. This is my chance. I snap back to reality. "I'm out of here!' She storms off hitting Rylie on the way. Typical Tianna. I go to tell Rylie everything, right as I open my mouth she hands me her coffee. She looks at me with sad, disappointed eyes. "I'll save you the hassle, don't talk to me and quit sneaking into my room. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm leaving to change. Or will you hook up with someone else to stop me from making stupid mistakes again?" I didn't know how to respond I had an idea. "You know that makes no sense right?" I let a small chuckle free but before I can continue she gives me a cold stare giving me cold feet. "It'll take me less then a second to forget you, was that clear enough?" And she walks away. I sorta died inside after that. I stood there holding her coffee froze. I knew what I had to do.

I walked up to the cashier, "Excuse me, sir? The lady that just left, the one with the bright eyes? What did she order?" He looks up at me. "A medium Carmel peppermint latte with extra foam." "Thank you, that will be all." I leave to go to t store, if I can't see her until later, then I might as well make her coffee to talk. Yes that's what I came up with, hey it was somewhere to start.

I finally come home. It took me a little bit to make the coffee, it probably didn't taste as good but I sure looked good. I walk up to my room with the coffee. Just as I was about to yell up at her and decided no, I had to go up there. I go up to her balcony, luckily she was in her room. I saw her, "Rylie please! We need to talk! Rylie please I was a fool." She walks over to the window, she had locked it. Just as I thought I was going to have a chance to explain she shuts me out. In less then the blink of an eye she ripped the curtain over her window making a solid wall between us, little did she know I could still slightly hear her. She was crying, even more she was sobbing. My heart broke into a million tiny pieces. I sat there and waited until she was done. While I was waiting a strong gust of wind took the coffee from the edge and dropped it eight feet below, I didn't dare leave though. Even if she hated my guts, I wasn't going to leave her alone. I wasn't going to leave her, I will always be here for her.

I was there for a long time I heard a faint voice carry through, "I'll open the window." It was Beckett, I quickly gather myself to help. As soon as he opens the curtains I catch a glimpse of her, the tiny pieces of my heart broke even more. I did this too her he proceeds in opening the window with me going unnoticed. He turns and our eyes meet. You could see the rage build up in his face. He quickly shuts everything so I am left alone in the dark. I hate myself a lot, this is too good of an example.

I stayed there for the rest of the night, just in case. How could I have been his cruel to sweet Rylie. She deserves so much better. I get up going to my bed at 4:56 a.m. As I lay there hearing Rylie's crying in my head I feel so!etching wet on my pillow. Just then I realise I am crying. At that very moment all I wanted to do is leave, leave it all behind and never come back. But I couldn't leave her. I lay there and cry for the rest of the night thinking. How stupid am I? How could I be so cruel?! Why can't a car just run me over and put her out of her misery? Why me...


I feel awful for these two, don't you? Will things get better soon or is this the end for both of them? Can Chase redeem himself? Can he make up for what he's done?

See what happens next chapter!!

And sorry for being so slow on updates! I have run into a busy time and I will be slowing down a little bit, but don't worry I am promising one chapter a week!

Also I want to give a shout out to a friend of mine who just joined Wattpad for the first time!! Make sure to check out her story!


Trial and Error

See you all next time!!!! Xox

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