Dark Figure...Thing?

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*Chase's PoV*

I went over to her house that day. She arrived just slightly before me. I walk in with her. "Why are you following me in? Is something wrong?" She said this uneasy. "No? Are you okay, you seem a bit uneasy." She looks at her feet, nope she's not okay. As a tear sheds from her eye she rushes upstairs. I run after her.

She slammed her door shut before I could come in. "Rylie! Come on princess don't shut me out. Let me in! You gotta let someone in." She comes to the door wiggling the doorknob a little. Dang girl locked it. "Rylie..." I start, she cuts me off. "How do I know I can trust you?" She whimpers, she sounded so cute like that...I mean. Never mind what I meant she was hurt. "Rylie, I promise you I'm trustworthy. Do you trust me when I say I'll catch you? Please Rylie, let me in." She wiggles the doorknob again.

This time she opens the door, she doesn't look up. Even with her head down I can still see the hurt in her eyes, the sorrow filled terror that conceals over her heart. "Who?" I ask. She knows what I mean, yet doesn't reply. "Who?!" I ask more aggressively. Calm yourself Chase, she's on the edge. She finally lifts her head, she had mascara smears everywhere. She starts crying a lift harder, then all of a sudden it was like someone opened the flood gates. Whoosh! There were the tears.

I hold her close to me in the doorway for several extended minutes, the door opens. It was Devin and Josh. She can't hear them enter over her own sobs. Lightly bringing her face to mine, I kiss her forehead. "Come on baby, it's okay now. I'm here, Chase is here. I carry her in a set her on her bed. Gently placing her on the far side to the window. I lay next to her. She slightly moves in closer, she's finally close enough to hold again. She sets her head on my chest, allowing me to hold her tight in my warm hands.

She starts to shake, I grab a blanket and cover us up. This may not look the best if someone was to walk in, but I didn't care. Everyone trusted me to not do anything funny, I think.

She laid there with me for another hour, crying her eyes out. "Sorry I got your shirt wet." She mutters before falling fast asleep, I didn't care. "Its okay, I don't mind."

She wakes up later and wiggles out of my arms, "Sorry." She says before slipping into the bathroom. I sit up a bit more, feeling the wetness from her tears pierce my skin. It hurt, like someone stabbing my chest with daggers. She was hurt and too hurt to tell my why or who or anything!

When she comes back out she pops in a movie and wiggles back into my arms, even though she doesn't have to try very hard. We silently watch the movie, I found myself trailing off to her more then actually watching the movie though. In fact I didn't even watch it long enough to know what it was.

She falls asleep off and on, shedding a tear here and there. Gosh she's so perfect. Wait, was I getting feelings for her? Nah, I'm a bad boy I don't keep my mind on one girl. Maybe she's just top priority right now, yah must be that. Maybe it wasn't though.

As she finally looks up she notices I'm staring. "What? Am I ugly from crying so much?" I stare down blankly, "Of course not your always a beautiful ogre in my eyes." She giggles a little at this. What am I saying? She flutters her eyelashes around before returning to her movie. I can't help but stare, at least she doesn't notice. That'd be weird, but at least I can finally get a good picture of her now. Now I know her face by heart, like its engraved into my head.

The movie finishes, Rylie's fast asleep again. I sneak out from her grip. I'll make her coffee for when she wakes up. I sneak over to my house. Making the Carmel peppermint treat I walk back upstairs to check on her. She's just waking up, she looks around but doesn't see me. I try waving at her, but she didn't see me. I tried screaming, nothing came out. It was like I was a ghost. I look back into her room. Someone was there, someone I didn't recognize. He was there for one reason, to harm her. Was this figure the reason she was crying? What did they do to her?

I try lunging towards her, but I couldn't move. Watching the black figure jump on her and attack her was horrifying. She wouldn't back off.

I stood there helpless and shy not knowing what to do. I heard a voice. Move, it said. Move or your going to get hit. Move now! Now Chase! NOWWWW..... It screams this then fades away. My head started hurting slightly but it didn't really faze me. I was too worried about Rylie.

The...thing...that was attacking Rylie finally left. I was able to move again. I rush down, grab her coffee and jump into her room. "Honey! Here, its okay. I'm here, I'm here." She cradles the coffee, laying on my chest. "Who was that? What did he want?"

She sips the coffee slowly and looks up. "It was my..."


Stupid alarm, that was one messed up dream. Well, nightmare. I could feel something big was about to happen. I had protect her. Stupid instincts, I was suppose to be a bad boy after all.

I think...I think I may be starting to have feelings for her. She probably doesn't like me though, I'm just a friend to her. Should I ask her out sometime? What am I saying?! I don't even know if I like her!


Plot twist!! Like it so far? Think Chase and Rylie like each other? Could it be love? Who was that figure? Was it coming for Rylie? Find out in the next chapter!

Also, I want you guys to comments ideas please! I'm only human I need some help! Just comment anything someone's done that was stupid or funny. No names please, or even just any ideas y'all might have. If you don't want to comment just send me a private message!

See you next time, I promise I won't be off in dreamland ;)

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