Happy Birthday!

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I walked in the classroom and they greeted me happy birthday

Wow.... They didn't forget?

"Thanks guys! Thank you for not forgetting my birthday!" I said as I hugged them all

Well all except for the red head boy from our class...

Yep. The one and only karma akabane. The sadistic devil from our class.

He's only the one who didn't greeted me.

"Karma-kun? Aren't you gonna greet (Y/N)-chan?" koro sensei asked

'Tch' was the only word he said then looked at the other side

"Karma-kun! Don't treat your classmate like that!" koro sensei scolded karma

"It's okay koro sensei...." I said then seated in my seat. Next to karma.

I just listened to koro sensei until launch...


"Hey. Mind if I join you?" I asked karma.

Well I'm trying to be friends with him. I've been friends to everyone in class except him. He's so mean to me. He don't talk to me that much...

He looked at me

"Oh... Sorry. I know you don't want to so-" I was cut off by him saying

"Sure. You can join me" he said

"What?" I asked

"I said you can join me" he said again

"Why? I thought.... Never mind" I said

I seated next to him then awkwardly ate my launch

I break the awkward silence by talking

"So do you know what day is it today?" I asked him

"Probably monday" he said

I got angry

"Hey (Y/N)-chan. Go to the cliff later okay? Okay" he said then walked away

And I walked away too

••Lunch time over••

Time skip to class dismissal

I was going home then I remembered something

I was going to the cliff to see karma!

I ran to the cliff as fast as I can


No one was there


"Actually.... Your 10 minutes late..." a familiar voice said

I turned around and saw karma

"Missed me?" he asked

"heck no!" i shouted in front of him

"Calm down feisty pants" he said then he throw something at me

It's..... A gift?

"Happy Birthday (Y/N)-chan..." he said then gave me a closed eyed smile

"I-I uh.... K-Karma-kun... Did you make this?" I asked

"Yes of course" he replied

"But... Your not really my close friend..." i said

"Doesn't matter. As long as I protect you" he said

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