Prince! Karma x Mermaid! Reader

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Sorry if it took so long.... Here it is!!



Your POV

I was swimming around then I found a net...

I started to play with it. Then it captured me.

Third person POV

The fisher men thought they caught a fish.

So they pulled it up. But instead it was a mermaid. She's not that pretty. She look like a normal girl... With a mermaid tail

She wiggled and struggled to get out if the net

"GET ME OUTTA HERE!!!" She screamed

But the fisher men kept her in the net

"Hey isn't that a mermaid?" The fisher man ask

"Yes. And I know exactly what we're gonna do with her" his partner said and took her to the park

He entertained the people and people offers him money.

So many crowds was around the mermaid.

The mermaid was in a bowl. A big one.

When the fisher men was eating. The mermaid's tummy growled.

The mermaid said to feed her but the Fisher men refused.

So she got angry and cracked the bowl using her tail.

The prince saw this and went there.

The prince saw a mermaid and took her to his castle.

~At ze castle~

The prince placed her to a bigger and nicer bowl.

"Why did you bring me here?" The mermaid asked

"Because you hurt your tail" The prince said

The mermaid looked at her tail and it has a little wound

"Maybe because some of the glass of the bowl cut me" The mermaid said

"Here. Let me heal it for you" The prince grabbed a ladder and went up the bowl

The mermaid turned upside down then put her tail outside the bowl

The prince healed it "OUCH!!!" The mermaid said and wiggled her tail and splashed water to the prince

They just laughed "I'm sorry" the mermaid said "it's okay" the prince said

"I'm prince karma. What's your name?" Prince karma said

"I'm (Y/N) the mermaid" You said and smiled. The prince thought your smile was 'perfect'

You and the prince was telling jokes and laughing till...

"Sir. The king wants to see you" Karma's butler said. The prince just nodded and left

As he left you swam around your bowl.

The door creaked opened you thought it was karma but instead it was a girl with golden curly hair.

"This is the thing the prince spent time with?! What a waste of time" The girl said and flipped her hair

"Yeah. Whatever" you said and rolled your eyes

"Who are you anyway?" You asked

"I'm the one who the prince is gonna marry" she said proudly

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