Actor! Karma X Actress! Reader

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Hey ya guys! Again hope u understand...


"Romeo... Oh romeo..."

"My juliet~ Oh juliet~"

"This is ridiculous! No! No! All wrong!!" The director shouted

"SO, THIS KIND OF LIKE A CLICHÉ PLAY WHERE ROMEO KILLS HIMSELF FOR JULIET?! HAHA! NO MY DEAR! ALL WROOONG!!" She shouted (and currently breathing out fire out of her mouth)

Then some one ran to the director

"Ma'am, she's here!"

"Fiiinally~!" She said and sighed

"Ok, you two, you did a great job but... You still tried your best? Well, ok, it was nice, better luck next time" she said and smiled

Then she came, with a simple clothes as ever.

"Ah, (Y/N)-san! You're here!" Said the director

"Hey, psycho-san. Nice to be here" She said and bowed

Then a boy with red hair showed up

"Akashi! Why on hell are you here?!" Said the director

"Who's akashi? Direc, I'm karma. The one and only Akabane Karma" He said

"Right, right. Okay, (Y/N)-chan! You're romeo is... (Random Boy Name)"

"And Karma. You'll be the dragon"

"What?! Since when did romeo and juliet had a dragon??" He asked

"Since now. Okay! Chop chop! Go to your places!"

*After Acting*

"Great job,(Y/N)!... And the dragon sucks.." The director mumbled the last part

"Karma! Wipe that gloomy face off!" She said

"Ugh, no! Okay, you'll be the protagonist. Natsu, be the dragon! Karma sucks at that part"

"Okay, (Y/N), you can go rest while watching this show. Okay, 1,2,3! ACTION!"

*After a long, long, acting and practice*

"Okay. You're getting the hang of it! Go rest now" The director said and sighed

~At the actor and actress' room~

Karma sat down, very exhausted, at the couch

Then he heard the (h/c) girl giggled

"What are you giggling at, (Y/N)?"

"Man, you really suck out there" she said

"Well, yeah? I did my best but, I really hate that director"

"Whaat? She's great!"

Then he sat up and mentioned you to sit next to him

Which you obeyed and he put his arms around you

"If I were Romeo, I would give you a real kiss~" He said

"Hm? Oh really~?"

"Yes, really"

"Okay, whatever you say, dragon sadist" you rolled your eyes playfully

"Whatever I say?"

"Oh no, no, no, no..."

"Kiss me~"

I mentally facepalm

"That... Escalated quickly. From 0-10 ಠ_ಠ"

He held up your chin

"For me, everything is quick" then smashed his lips into yours

(Fvck. I know I know karma is kind of OOC? Gomen for this! ヾ(T(エ)Tヽ))

Then flashing can be heard

You two parted apart to see director Jenn taking a few pics

"This one's going in my wall" she said before running off

"Man! I really hate her!" Karma said before grabbing the wasabi and chasing after her

Leaving you sweat dropped


Uwaaahh! I know, IT'S REALLY BAD (;-;)

I really hope you enjoyed! Did you? Or did you not?

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•Yandere! Karma X Reader

•Yandere! Karma X Yandere! Reader

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