Bully! Karma X Bullied! Insecure! Reader

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Thank you for your patience minna-san! *bow* I appreciate the positive vibes you all been giving! ^^ Thank you!

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WARNING! This might include some OOCness. Wrong grammars. Wrong spellings and bad story. Enjoy~!


"Hi, let's be friends!"

"Ow.. Sorry..."


My past, haunted me. It was my living nightmare. I couldn't see things the same way after that.

I was careful of my surroundings. I think people don't like me the way i am.

My parents thought it was nice to move away. So that my nightmare wouldn't haunt me anymore.

Today, I was new in class. So, I had to introduce. I was scared. They might chatter about me, they might think I don't fit in!

"H-Hi, my names (Y-Y/n)-- (Y/n)! Please t-take good care of me!" I bow and wish they wouldn't chatter and whisper about me.

But I didn't hear a single word..

I stood back and scanned the room. That's when my eyes widen when I saw him. The smirking bastard at the back. (New nickname for karma 😂)

Koro-sensei wants me to sit next to him and start the lesson.

When I saw him again, I couldn't believe it. I thought... I thought I could live without a nightmare again.

"Akabane karma, pleasure to meet you."

After that day, he keeps pulling pranks on me. Pushing me around. And call me stuff.

I just can't stand this nightmare anymore. And I mostly don't want anymore trouble.

He just keeps on pushing and shouting at me and pull pranks. The others tried to stop him, but that didn't do.

"Go and talk to him about this."

That's what kaede said.

I don't think I can, I don't think I will. He's just too much. I can't stop thinking of the worst.

I sent him a letter to meet me up after school. It takes a lot of courage for me to do that. But I want to end this.


I kept waiting there, until he showed up. Oh boy, I hope I don't get--


Great another prank. A liquid of slime dropped down on me as he laughed.

"Look karma, why are you so desperate on bullying me so much?!"

"Oops, can't answer that question, (teasing name)~"

(I just can't think of anything rn sorry XD)

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