Smile For Me

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Ready your tissues okay?


*I ready my own tissue*


Karma's POV

I'm walking down the streets with (Y/n)

I carry the other shopping bags as I look at the shops we pass by with a bored look

But then I notice (Y/n) frowning since we entered the mall

"Hey (Y/n), what's wrong?" I ask

"Nothing.." She mumbled looking down

I stopped that caused (Y/n) to stop too and look at me.

I flick her forehead then she rubs it

"Ow..." She pouted

"Smile for me. You look like an old woman if you frown" I joked as she punch me playfully

She smiled convincingly "There, happy?"

I chuckle "Why are you sad anyway?" I ask as we continue to walk

"Well... I'm sad that we're leaving Japan.."

"That's it? Don't you want to visit your parents in America?"

"Well, Yeah I do. But, I'm gonna miss Japan so much"

"It's not like we're staying there forever" I chuckle

"I know, I know! It's just.." She trailed off

We stopped once again as I put a smile on her face by my fingers

"Smile! You look cute when smiling.." I said

She blushed and puffed her cheeks

We continue to walk then we passed by a jewelry shop..

Aha! I know exactly how to make (Y/n) smile..

"Wait here, okay? I'm gonna buy something.." I said

"Well, better not take long. I'm tired" She said

Once I walked in the shop I made the huge mistake of my life

"Hello, may I help you?" Asked the cashier

"Yes, I would like to buy this—" I was cut off when I heard glass shattering and people screaming

I immediately went out the shop and saw (Y/n)

She was held for hostage.

Her eyes looked at me with fear and pleading

I glared at the guy who held her

He was pointing a gun on (Y/n)'s head


"Let her go!" I shout

"Oh yeah? Or else what?" He chuckled

Is this guy drunk?

I heard police sirens as the guy looked at me tightening her grip on (Y/n)

(Y/n) looked like crying as she prays quietly for her dear life

"Let. Her. Go." I grit my teeth

He laughed causing me to get angrier

When he let his guard off I took my chance to push him away

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