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So, it's a give 5 facts about yourself and 15 things you want! Sorry if I'm wasting your time.

[For Mystic Messenger Players, I'm asking for your help. I got a problem. After I do this tag, tell me what's wrong with this app, that is if you know. Thank you]

~5 Facts about me

1 - I live on earth (Lol obviously xD)

2 - Currently in love with yoosung (my cinnamon bby I miss you ;-;)

3 - I'm afraid of dogs and cockroaches

4 - If I get too scared I get paranoid (like if I'm too afraid of ghosts I will think it surrounds me and watch me sleep then I will hear things that makes me scared)

5 - My pet cat died when I was 9 (I miss you kitty)

Going on! 15 things I want!

1~ I want my anime loves to come to life, but then it will be complicated and shiz argh. Who to choose? (」゚ロ゚)」

2~ Visit anime world. There will be a lot of things I'll do. Like, become an official pirate in One Piece, Become a hokage in Naruto, Be one of the saiyans in DBZ, Become rich and own a demon butler, Own a Death Note, Start a band and name it Kawaii Potato Trash, Slay Titans, Tease Levi, And so on~

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