Baby! Karma & Asano x Reader

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I couldn't find a picture of karma and asano together as babies so enjoy this pic of...

Baby karma👇

And baby asano :3

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And baby asano :3

And baby asano :3

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You were reading a baby magazine. Then your phone rang

"Hello (Y/N) from the babysitter inc."

"Oh hello (Y/N), I'm Cecilia I'm kinda going for a business trip and I need someone to look after my two precious since their father is always busy. Anyway... Come at my house at (random address)"

(A/N: If your name is cecilia then change it to another name)

"Ok sure. I'll come around 9:00. Thanks for calling!" You said then hang up

-At their gate-

You ringed the door bell then cecilia (or another name) opened it

"Hi! I'm (Y/N) from babysitter inc" You introduce

"Oh! Come in, come in" She said then let you in

She lead you to the living room where you can find two babies playing car and dressed all fancy

"Boys this is your babysitter (Y/N). (Y/N) this is karma" She said as she pointed at the red head baby looking at you in awe

"And Gakushu" She continued and pointed to the orange haired baby who is drooling while looking at you

"Oh my! Gakushu! I told you not to drool too much!" Cecilia (or another name) said then wiped gakushu's drool

She looked at her wrist watch "Oh my! I'm going to be late! (Y/N) the baby stuff is upstairs into the guest room. I'll be back at 12:00 pm. Take care!" She said as she hurried outside

You sat between karma and gakushu

They both held your both hand at the same time. You were a little shocked

But you let it be.

You promise you saw the two babies glared at each other

You stood up and said "Gakushu, Karma, Why don't you play together while I prepare your meal. Okay?"

You walked to the kitchen to prepare their meal

Karma's POV

As (Y/N) walked to the kitchen we continued to glare at each other

Of course we already knew how to glare. We're not just babies. We're smart babies.

"I know you want to take her away from me" Gakushu said

(A/N: OMG!!! *squeals* I can imagine how asano talked in his baby voice!!! So kawaii!)

"Wow. Pretty clever brother. How'd you figure it out?" I fake asked and smirked

"One thing. I'm smarter than you!" He said and narrowed his eyes. I just smirked (aww baby smirk! How cute!)

Then (Y/N) came to look at the living room. She must heard our loud whispers

"Hm... I swear I heard someone talking" she said then shrugged and went back to the kitchen

Only mom and dad knows we can talk. No one can know

"Listen brother! (Y/N) is mine! And only mine!" Gakushu whispered yell

"Let's see about that" I said then smirked.

I hit my head with a car and started crying

Your POV

I was just finish making meals then I heard crying

I went to the living room and saw karma crying while holding his head

I carried him. His face was on my shoulder

Narrator's POV

"How could you gakushu! You hurted karma! Don't do that! You're only babies!" You said and turned around

As you turned around karma looked at his brother then stick out his tongue then hugged you

Gakushu narrowed his eyes then think of a plan

[Time skip cuz I'm lazy]

It was 11:30 in the night. The babies were done eat, washed and burped.

They were playing toys. Then...

Gakushu pushed the toy basket and all the toys were all around

You walked in and stepped on a toy. You looked down and saw gakushu pointing at karma.

"Karma! Why did you spread all of the toys around the room?! Ugh! Help me clean this! Gakushu please play at the other room please" Gakushu went to the other room

Then karma and you were cleaning the mess

As you were done you told karma that "you shouldn't spread all the toys okay? Play the toys you will only use. Now let's go to bed with your brother it's getting late" You carried karma to their room and placed him on the red crib that says 'Karma 🌙'

Then you went to the other room where gakushu is playing nicely.

You carried him and put him in the orange crib that says 'Gakushu ✨'

You read them a bed time story and slowly swing their crib.

But before they go to bed they called your name in a cute little baby voice. You turned around and kissed then in their forehead

But they want a hug too. You snickered and hugged them both

"Good night cute little angels" you said and walked at the door

"Good night (Y/N)" You thought you heard them say it

But you thought it was just your imagination

Their mother came home and paid you

You asked if you can sleep in their house for tonight because you're scared walking alone in the dark

Cecilia (or another name) agreed because she don't want a pretty girl walking alone in the dark streets

You and cecilia (or another name) went to your rooms and went to sleep

While karma and gakushu is busy dreaming about you


So...? How's the chapter?

Sorry for not updating for a while

Sorry for any grammars and spellings

Sorry if you didn't like it

Sent me request if you like but no lemons

Hope you enjoy

See you in the next chappie

Karma X Reader ❤One Shots❤ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now