Karma X Overdramatic! Reader

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Here you go, ma'am! Enjoy your request!

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"(Y/n)!" Karma called out as he goes in your room. Only to find you laying in bed doing nothing but stare up the ceiling.

"(Y/n), the hell are you doing now?" Karma asked crossing his arms

"Shush! I'm sick. And I will die soon. So tell me everything you wanna say! Every secret you're keeping! Oh tell me when you have the chance!~" You said while you dramatically cover your face.

Karma rolled his eyes at you "(y/n), it's a little fever. If you get your ass up and feed yourself some medicine then it'll be okay."

"But.. But.. Can't you take care of the poor me?" you asked while your eyes turned puppy like.

"Hell naw, I need to finish beating the boss. See ya!" He winked at you devilishly before heading down the living room

Your eyes tears up "does he not like me anymore? Why is he torturing me?" you sigh and laid back down.

Thinking what karma said, he has a point. But you won't admit he's right.

So you stood up, making your way into the table near picking up a medicine.

"If doesn't work. Consider, yourself, karma, dead." You swallowed the medicine and laid back down.

After hours, the fever was gone. "karma! Karma!" you called happily

Karma walked in after a minute with a bored look "what is it (y/n)-chan?"

"I don't have a fever anymore! I'm not gonna die! Thank goodness!" you yelled happily

Karma looked at you for a minute before laughing his ass off "(y/n), you can't die by having a fever! Man! I wish I recorded that!"

You blushed in embarrassment and looked away "whatever, it's the same!"

Karma patted your head "then I'm happy for you..." he said while trying not to laugh

"Y-You're hurting and melting ny heart, at the same time!" you said as you clutched your chest where your heart should be


Going to school today made you nervous, you didn't do your homework.

And karma doesn't want to let you see his. You suddenly became over thinking and felt anxious.

"Alright, minna!~ Time to check your homeworks, nyufufu~!"

You looked down in shame thinking that you've caused a very big sin.

"(Y/n)-san~ What's wrong?" asked koro-sensei as he went close to you.

"I didn't do my homework!" you yelled crying comically causing koro-sensie to be surprised by your sudden outburst.

"Spare my life, koro-sensei! I don't want bad jobs!" you said still comically crying.

Koro-sensei laughed and patted your head "it's okay, (y/n)-chan. Do your homework next time."

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