Patient! Karma x Nurse! Reader

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Your POV

I'm still checking on karma if he's fine.

I kept worrying but why?

Then he slowly woke up

"Ugh where am I?" He asked then looked at me "Oh you're at the hospital" I replied

"Oh. But why?" he asked "You got into an accident and your leg broke" I explained

He looked at his leg and sighed.

"Is there anything you would like sir?" I asked he shook his head as he kept his eyes close.

"Okay sir" I bowed and about to left the room "wait!" He stopped me "Yes?" I asked "What's your name?" he asked "Oh (Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N)" I replied and smiled he smile back

I can tell this patient is kinda cute. "Is that all sir?" I asked "Don't call me sir. I'm Karma Akabane. Call me karma-kun instead" he said and smirked

"Yes karma-kun" I said and left the room

_Some Time Later_

I was writing in my notebook about some cure in some ill.

Then I heard the ring. It means the patient need help.

I rushed to karma's room and he kept pushing the button. I was kinda annoyed

"Yes karma-kun?" I asked "I'm bored" he said boredly "What? That's it? You're bored?"

"Yeah" he replied simply

"Karma-kun that button is for emergency only" I said

"But this is an emergency!" He whined

I sighed and sat beside him

"So what do you wanna do?" I asked

"I don't know. What about..." He thinks of something

"Truth or Dare?" I asked he nodded

"I pick truth!" He said I giggled and he blushed a little "Okay. Do you like chocolates?" I asked

"YES A LOT!" He said I chuckled a bit.

"I pick truth too" I said "Well... Do you like me~?" He asked teasingly

"I-I uh... No" I said and looked at the other side.

"Hm okay" He said and got bored again "Let's play another game!" He commanded

"Hm... Cherades?" (A/N: Did I spell it right? Correct me please)

"Oh ok" he said and sat up "Me first!" I said and acted that I was bored and kept pressing the button and whining

"I give up. What is it?" he asks I giggled "It's you, silly" I said

"What?! I-I don't do that!" he said and pouted

"Sure you don't" I said sarcastically. We keep playing and laughed telling jokes and play again

~Two Months and 30 days

"(Y/N), Please let karma's parents know that he will be going out tomorrow" the doctor said while checking his notebook to see who else is going out tomorrow

"Tomorrow? O-Okay" You said sadly. You wanted to spend some more time with him. In fact you fell in love with this red headed boy.

You went to his room sadly "Hey. Why the long face?" He asked

You sighed "You're going out of the hospital... Tomorrow" You said sadly "Tomorrow? No no no. I want to spend more time with you" he said. You were shocked "M-Me too actually" You said looking away

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