Yandere! Karma X Reader

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Warning: Killing and Swearing



You, (Y/N) (L/N), is the second smartest kid around.

You have a lot of friends and have a great family

But is adored by the most sadistic person in campus


His name fits perfectly with his prankster attitude and bad side

You were now at the cafeteria with a friend.

You both were laughing at stupid stuff you two did.

While you were watched far away.

The sadistic red head just smiled seeing you happy and imagined how life can be wonderful when it's just you two

No friends, No Family, No nothing... Just you two...

When you headed towards his way he acted that he wasn't stalking you

He sometimes wish that you would notice him~


Every time, Everyday, you would just pass him

So, this time, he won't screw up on making you notice him

He was just leaning on beside your locker waiting for you

When you went to your locker just by yourself he thought I'd be perfect because no one will protect you.

(Correction: God will)

No one will call help. Nothing will ruin his plan~

Once you approached your locker he took the chance to talk to you

"Hey, (Y/N)~"

You looked to your left to see Karma

"Oh, hey Karma-kun"

Karma was happy you know him, well apparently the whole campus know him by his actions

"So... Senpa- I mean (Y/N), Any plans today?" He asked

"Hm.. Nope, not really. When I get home I'll just study and do my homework v(• _ •)v"

(I don't do that to be honest. I'm so lazy! ಥ_ಥ)

"Oh, well I was wondering if you wanna hang out? I mean as friends? (・∀・)"

He won't take the move just yet...

"Sure, why not?"

Yess~ thought red head

"Great! See you!"

You thought it was kinda weird but shrugged it off

-Next Day-

You were getting ready for school and was about to go

"Bye mom, I'll be going now!"

"Okay sweetie! Love you!"

You opened the door and was expecting a great outside world but... Karma stood there waiting

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