Singer! Karma X Fan! Reader

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You were in your backyard listening to karma's songs up in a tree while humming it

You were playing games on your phone then your mom called you

"Honey! I think someone's here to see you!"

"Sure! Just a sec mom!" You climbed down the tree and went to the living room

When you got there you saw your best friend (Best friend name)

"Hey, (Y/N)!"

"Hi, (BFN)!"

"So, I heard there was a concert of Akabane Karma next week. And the tickets are sold out" She said

"Yeah, I know. How horrible" You frowned

"But! Don't be sad, I've got us tickets before it was sold out!" She said raising up the tickets

"What?! Oh my food, (BFN)! You're the best!" You said hugging her

"No problem! I can't wait to go!"

"Me too!" You both squealed

Next week

You and (BFN) were so ready! You two even have backstage passes

You were wearing a sweater because you know it's gonna be cold in that arena

(BFN) was wearing one two. You both have matching sweaters.

You wear (fave shoe brand) rubber shoes and she wears (her fave shoe brand) rubber shoes

You called a taxi and then went to the concert

-At the concert-

You were both screaming your lungs out when you both saw karma

"Whatssup, beaches! Are you ready to party?!" He yelled at the mic

And all the crowd went wild

"Alright, alright. But first I'll pick a lucky person to make a duet with me in the crowds" then the light was randomly circling to find the person

Then it landed on, YOU

You squealed "Oh my Food!!!"

"Hey there, lucky person. Nice sweater. It matches your prettiness" then he winked

You almost fainted. You faced (BFN) then said "OMF (BFN)! This the best ever!"

then went to the stage.

Karma talked to you first. Without the mic.

"Hi there, gorgeous. You're so lucky to do a duet with me" he said smirking

You blushed at his words then squealed "OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH I AM A BIIG FAN OF YOU AKABANE-SAAAAAN!!!"

You fan girled so hard you need air.

He chuckled "Okay!" He said with a mic

He put his arms around you. You blushed really, really, red and squealed

"Anything you wanna say, cute stuff?" He asked then handed you the mic

"Yes! Omg! (BFN) is my pretty best friend! And I just want to thank her! If she don't have tickets this wouldn't happen. I love that potato so much!" You shouted at the mic

Then she shouted back "THAT'S MY TWIN!!! SHE'S MY POTATO
TWIN!!" She shakes the person beside her

You chuckled quietly

"Ready, princess?" Karma asked

"I was born ready! Well, fortunately." You said

He chuckled then asked you "so what's your fave song?"

"(F/song)!" You said happily "Okay! We're gonna sing her favourite song, guys! Which is (f/song) and after that a duet of my song!"

You were happy you have to sing with your favourite singer

After the concert

"That. Was amazing! Oh my glob! I can't even-! I'm so happy my potato twin sang with her soon to be husband!" (BFN) said fan girling

"Yeah. I'm the luckiest fan of akabane alive" you said chuckling

You both went to the backstage to see karma, and of course to buy food.

Then you heard squealing and fan girling

So you both turned around to see Karma taking autograph

"Heheh... One at a time please" he said signing the papers and pictures the fans girls gave him

"Oh my glob, girl! There he is!" (BFN) said fan girling

You're just staring at him hoping he would come to you

Then he did

"Hi, there... Um.. What's your name?" He asked

"(Y/N) Akabane- I-I mean (L/N)! (L/N)..." You said

"You're really good at singing. I like it. Keep it up" then he kissed your cheek

You fainted but (BFN) caught you

When you wake up

"Ugh... What... Happened?" You asked sitting up

"Oh, it's just, you fainted then I caught you. Karma bought you to your house and gave you this. And he signed it"

 And he signed it"

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'Hey there. You're welcome I bought you home. You know, you're cute. I mean it. Keep this pic as a remembrance. It has my number at the back.

Karma Akabane~

You fainted again and (BFN) just got curious.

Hope you enjoyed~!

Up next.

•Karma X Singer! Reader

Karma X Artist! Reader

•Actor! Karma X Actress! Reader

Ja ne~

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