Big Bro! Karma X Lil' Sis! Reader

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I think karma would be the overprotected type of brother, but the pranks won't ever leave 😏

Requested by: @Cazzy_Mikasa_Rinka


"O-Onii! What are you doing?!" You asked dropping the plate of snacks you brought as you saw the horrible scene.

"What? I'm just playing with him.." Karma got off your guy friend as he almost put wasabi in his nose and almost made him eat a chilly pepper.

Your guy friend jolted up and ran to you hiding behind your back.

"Onii..." You said in a terrifying voice as you gave him your death glare

"What? I didn't do anything wrong!" He put his hands up defeat

"Of course you didn't, and my friend is not shivering in fear also.." You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms


You facepalmed at your annoying brother as he glared at your now scared friend.

"Onii, Can you get out of my room? We're just studying.." You said in a poker face.

"Just studying, huh..?" He mumbled and slowly went out the room while glaring at your friend.

"Sorry about my onii-san. We can continue now.." You said dragging him to a small bookshelf.


"Thanks again for letting me borrow your book, (Y/n)." Said your guy friend as he bowed

"No problem, Be safe getting home." You said before closing the door.

"I'm gonna kill you, onii" you mumbled walking to your brother's room.

"Onii—" You were cut off by slipping in the floor.

You heard a loud laugh as you glared at your big brother.

"Onii!!! I'm so gonna kill you!" You chased him around the room and the house while throwing your pads at him cause you know how he hates those.

"Ah! (Y/n)!! Stop! Stop, please!" He said while laughing

Let's just say.. The house was a mess that day...

*~ Extended Ending ~*

"Hey (Y/n)-chan, I heard (guy name) is into you. Would you accept him?" Asked your best friend

"Ore? I guess I.." You were cut off by a shadow covering you two

You both looked around to see (guy name) holding a chocolate

"A-Ano... Here! I made this just for you, (Y/n)-chan!" He bowed as he gave you the chocolate

"Eh?" You blinked two times before realizing what's happening

Your best friend is nudging you while wiggling her/his eyebrows

"It's kind of...embarrassing to say this but.. C-Can I court you..?" He asked hesitantly while blushing

"I guess, you ca—"


You were surprised to hear another voice same as Your best friend and (guy name) too.

Your big brother jumped off a tree behind you then hugged you behind his back protectively.

"Who are you, peasant?" He asked venom in his voice

"Onii.." You groaned while struggling at his grip

"I-I'm (guy name), sir." He said bowing "And you?"

"I'm just this girl's big brother, Akabane Karma. And No! I disagree on letting you court my sister." He said glaring at the guy.

Finally, you got out from his grip.

"Onii, can you please calm yourself?" You said sweatdroppin

"And you! Don't let guys just court you!" He scolded you

"Unless you want me to let you eat chilly pepper?" He smirked as your best friend sweatdropped at your brother

"I'm sorry about my big brother, (guy name)" you said giving him an apologetic smile

"I-It's okay. B-But can we be friends?"

Before you can answer his question, karma already had him on the ground unconscious.

"Oops, too much wasabi.." He ket out a nervous laugh.

"Onii.." You sighed and facepalmed

[Author's Note (ㅇㅅㅇ❀)]

Konichiwa minna-san!

I can't think any ideas at the moment so please, forgive my horrible one-shot :3

Hope u enjoyed!

Ja matane

~J-chan ❤

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