Mom! Reader x Dad! Karma Pt. 2

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Requested by The_Baka_Lover if I'm right?


Few years later

Kids are going to be teen now.

Your POV

I woke up rubbing my eyes and yawned

I walked down and saw kids eating and karma cooking-

Wait karma cooking?!

He was wearing apron and shirtless. Only pants on.

(Author's comment: OMG *falls off chair and nosebleeds*)

Even tho I saw him like that many times I still blush

"Breakfast?" He asked "What day is it today?" I asked

"Hm... Sunday" He said and shrugged. "I missed your cooking" I said and smelled the bacon and eggs

"Yeah that's why I'm the one cooking today" he said and winked at me.

I blushed redder

"Oh no! Mom's face is gone!" (S/N) said touching my face

"No (S/N) mom's just blushing" she said eating her bacon

"Oh?" He said and then finished his breakfast


You were washing the dishes when some arms snaked around your waist making you jump a little

You knew it was karma. "You scared me" You said and laughed a little

"Wanna go somewhere? I'm bored" he said pouting in your shoulder

"I dunno I'm quite busy today. I'm gonna do a lot of chores" I said sighing

"Then let's do chores together" He said and you nodded "sure"

You turned around and saw him still shirtless

Your face turned dark red "PUT SOME SHIRT ON BAKA!" You said covering your eyes but peeked

He chuckled "You like it~" He teased you "Don't make me fight you!" You said and glared at him

He chuckled "Alright" he said then he kissed you very quickly then ran upstairs laughing

He probably locked the door so you can't beat him to death xD

"KARMA YOU PIECE OF CHEESE! I'M GONNA GET YOU!" You shouted face still red

"Mom? Did dad tease you again" (D/N) said looking up to her book

"Hm yeah he did" you said and shrugged

»Dinner Time«

You all were eating at the table.

After that you finished the dishes then walked to your room

No need to tuck in the kids. They're grown up now.

When you got to your room karma was there riding a unicorn //slap

Sorry here's what happened

Karma was sitting and reading a book he looked up to the book

And removed his reading glasses

You smiled and sat beside him

"What's that you're reading?" You asked looking at the book

"Just some romance thingy" he said and put the book beside and laid down

And you did the same. He pulled you closer and hugged you. You hugged back.


You opened your eyes slowly and realise you were now hugging a pillow

You walked down rubbing your eyes

Then you saw karma fixing his tie

(A/n: Spoiler alert! Karma *cough* in 7 years *cough* I think *cough* totally worked in *cough*......)

"Bye sweetheart. Going to work now." he said and gave you a quick peck

"Bye" You said then karma went to work

"Hey kids wanna head to the mall?" You asked "Ya!" They said and took a bath. Not together okay?! Nope just...

~~At the mall~~

(D/N) was buying clothes err some.

(S/N) was buying food. He even brought you some.

All the money they spend is theirs. They were saving money


(Author's comment: XD if there were a movie I'd totally be there!)

They dragged you to the cinema.

Then when you got in the Shiota family was there. By that I mean Nagisa, Kayano and their kid...s..

Yep they have another one but you only met Kagine. But Nagisa was not there

"(Y/N)-chan?!" Kaede said happily "Let's sit together! Too bad nagisa's off to work" she said and pouted

You giggled "It's okay." you said then you sat together

Sitting arrangement


When you were watching the movie. The movie describes the same thing when you were still in high school

You and Kayano found it odd

After the movie (D/N) was a blushing mess the same as (S/N)

"(Y/N)-chan! This is my daughter! Nayani" Kaede said and there revealed a girl and long blue hair and cute yellow eyes

"Hello!" She said cheerfully

You waved and smiled "well nice meeting you but we better get going" You said and waved good bye

You saw (S/N) and (D/N) was a blushing mess

"what happened to you guys?" You asked

"N-Nothing!" They both said

You giggled

•At home and Time skipp

We all ate dinner.

Our kids were asleep.

Only karma and I were the ones awake. Oh... Karma just slept on the kitchen

Karma was laying his head down the table

Probably tired from work. I bought him a blanket and put it around him

I kissed his head and smiled.

I walked to our bedroom and slept

Dreamed about our happy future


I know I know a bit crappy

Forgive me! *bows*

My mom convinced me to cut my hair so we went to a barber shop and now I have a new haircut...

Anyway! What do you think about the new cover eyyh?

I think I wanna do a face reveal but... My other thought says nah.


Hope u enjoyed!

Bye minna!

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