Dad! Karma x Mom! Reader

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(S/N) = Son Name

(D/N) = Daughter Name


You were woken up by a little shake

"Mom! Mom! Mom!" Your daughter kept saying

You stood up rubbing your eyes and yawned "Good morning sweetie" you said sleepily

"Morning mommy!" She said "I'm hungwy!"

You giggled "let's make breakfast now sweetheart"

You walked down and saw karma you know dressing up for work

"Did you eat?" You asked him "Err yes?" He said like a question

You rolled your eyes "Eat breakfast first dear"

"I'm late sorry. Bye!" He said rushing to work

You made breakfast for your kids

Yes you have one boy and one girl

•when karma got home

"Daddy!" (S/N) Shouted and bear hugged karma

Karma carried him and chuckled "Miss me?"

"Yes daddy! I drew this pic for you!" He said as he showed his drawing

"Wow thank you" he said and put (S/N) down

"Hey sweetheart" You said and kissed karma's cheek

"You didn't eat breakfast didn't you?" You said crossing your arms

You were wearing an apron because you're cooking something

"I was gonna be late" He pouted

"That's No Excuse Mister" You scolded him

He groaned.

"You're still the same!" You said pinching his cheek

"Ow!" He said "Haha! Daddy's beaten by mommy! Hahah" Your kids laugh

"Oh yeah?" He said and smirked. He carried you bridal style. You blushed deep red

"K-Karma!!! Put me down!" You shouted

"Who's beaten now?" He said and twirled you around

"Ahhhhh!" You screamed. He laughed and put you down

"Baka!" You smacked karma in the head

"Hey!" He pouted. You sighed. "Kids dinner's ready" You said

Your kids run to the kitchen cheering.

Then some pair on arms was around you. You smiled.

"Let's eat dinner" You said and went to the kitchen

~After eating~

"Kids bed time!" You shouted and they run up to their room

"Mom tell us a bed time story" (D/N) said

"Sure honey" You told them a bed time story

After that you went to your bedroom

Karma was already sleeping. You smiled and laid beside him

Then he turned around and hugged you from behind

You turned around and hugged back


Kids are still asleep

You walked down and saw karma drinking coffee

"Morning" he said "Morning" you greeted back

Karma X Reader ❤One Shots❤ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now