Dad! Karma x Child! Reader

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Requested by creepypasta42

G-GOMEN NA SAI!!! *bows repeatedly*

I haven't updated much on this story I'm so so very sorry!

I'm such a bad author and a bad cat 😿😿😿😥😥😭😭

I'm so sorry!

Anyway! Enough my crappy speech...

(A/N) = Auntie Name

Photo above is Jake

This is not a love story it's a father daughter love. I just can't imagine a father loving her own daughter

Warning: some swearing. Do not copy that because it's bad. And yes I swear but just when I'm mad. Also I don't tell my parents I swear.



Back story

After you were born your mom died. Karma was crying so bad.

You've been growing up and karma's been overprotective over you.

Now you're all grown up and your school have a ball and yes you are coming.

Present Time!

"But Dad! It's just a ball not a date! Of course you need a partner!" You argued with your dad karma

"I know I know it's just... What if you decided to go on a date without telling me?!" He said

You groaned "Dad... Just let me go on a simple ball!" You said and finally! He nodded

You sighed "Thanks dad... I'm gonna change now. Auntie's helping me"

"Okay okay" he said and plopped himself on the couch

~Your POV~

Why can't dad be not overprotected for once?! *groans*

Auntie's helping me pick up some dress to wear

"Don't worry sweet heart. He'll be over his 'over protected' self soon" Auntie said before giving me a warm smile

"Yeah I hope so" I said and helped her pick me up a dress

•Third Person POV•

Your partner, jake, ringed your house's doorbell


Then karma answered it. He knew it was your partner. Your partner is a kuudere

"What are you doing here?!" He asked

"I'm here to take (Y/N) to the ball" he said simply

"Take her what?! Do you have stolen jewelry on you?!" He asked again

"No sir" he said simply again

"Get over there" he said angrily and pushed him on the wall then started to check if he has stolen jewelry or something

"Do you have drugs?! You smoke that shit?! You trying to get my daughter high?! You smoke that shit?!" He asked angrily before letting go of the poor jake XD

"No" he said yet simply

"Don't you dare f*cking take her on a date without my permission!" He said angrily

He just looked at karma boredly

Then you and your auntie came down "Hey the jake guy seem nice now you go have fun" Your auntie said

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