Karma X Singer! Reader

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Karma's POV

Why can't kayano stop talking about this singer girl? I can't remember her name...

"And then she visited the orphans! She's really kind!" Kayano said then squealed

"That's really nice of her" Nagisa said

"I know! Oh and she's having an album signing later at the library! I can't wait!!" Then kayano, what do they call this? Fan girled? Whatever

Time skip

Third Person POV

Kayano was excited and to see you for the first time. She forced Karma and Nagisa to come because she wanted to introduce them to you.

Then they saw Okuda, Kanzaki, Okano, Kurahashi and Rio

"Hi guys! What are you doing here?" Kayano asked

"Oh we're just regular fans of (Y/N). Her voice is so good tho" Rio said

"She's kind too!" Added Kurahashi

"And pretty!" Said Okano

"Also smart!" Added again by Okuda

Karma can't believe that they really are fans of (Y/N)

Then the library door opened then you came.

Actually, karma and the others was the first to come because the class A to D is not allowed. They still have class. Koro-sensei just let them early because they really wanted to see you.

Kayano ran up to you when she saw you


"Ssshhh..." The librarian shushed them

"Sorry..." Kayano whispered

Kayano hugged you tightly "I can't believe I can totally see you in person!" She whisper yell

"Can you sign this album (Y/N)-san?" Okuda said as she handed you her album of yours

"Sure" you said then signed it

"Mine too!"

"Mine three!"

"Mine tooooo!"

You giggled "okay okay. Here" you signed each of the album they gave

"(Y/N)-san! Arigato!" They said

"You're welcome" you gave them a closed eye smile

"Can we take a picture?" They asked

"Sure" then they all took a picture of you

Karma and Nagisa was at the corner near the girls watching them fan girling over you

"(Y/N)-san really looks like a kind person. Don't you think karma?" Nagsia said

"Hm? Yeah, but she looks like someone I have known before" Karma said looking at you

"Eh? Who?" Nagisa asked

"I don't remember" Karma said

"Well, okay" Then kayano walked up to the two boys and pulled them to you

"(Y/N)-san! I would like you to meet my friends! Nagisa shiota" Kayano said as she pointed at nagisa

Nagisa waved and you did the same

"And karma Akabane" she then pointed at karma

"Sup?" Karma said smirking

You were shocked "K-Karma? Oh my gosh, I can't believe it!" You said as you hugged him

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