Black Butler Crossover Pt. 2

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Again Please don't hate me. A character maybe a bit ooc. Enjoy~!


"I choose... Ciel" You said and hugged him. All the boys were disappointed

"I'm sorry guys" You said. They all gave you an apologetic smile

You gave them a hug too. On the last day you decided to stay at ciel's. So karma traveled alone.

You and Ciel were very happy...


"I choose... Sebastian" You said and you ran to sebastian.

"I learned that I love you! I really do!" you said and hugged him tightly.

"Aw~ I love you too, my little kitten" He said and hugged back


"I choose... Alois!" You said and tackled him

"Yes! Now me, you and claude will live happily" Alois said and hugged you tightly

You and Alois was happy


"I choose... Karma!" You said and grinned. You ran to him and hugged him tightly

"No one ever knows me like you do! And besides I have fallen for you too" You said and snuggled to him

While you were not looking he stick a tongue out to the boys who have veins in their heads

On the last day you and karma came home a couple


"I choose... No one. I'm not ready about this love thing. Plus I still need to study first. Sorry boys" You said and gave an apologetic smile

"We understand" they said sadly

On the last day you and karma went home and have fun as friends

The End

What's this?

Are you gonna choose claude?!


"I choose... You!" You said and pointed at a piece of cake that's left on the table

You rushed to it and tasted it "Mmm~ Oh cake! I love you! You're my everything. I love you cake" You said hugging the plate of cake

The boys sweat dropped

Then you and cake lived happily ever after


Hi minna!

So who'd you choose?

Sorry if the character might be a bit ooc heheh

Anyway hope u enjoyed!

Bye minna!

Why did I put it there? Because it's the cutest ending I have ever seen!

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