Neko! Karma x Reader

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You were walking down the street from the super market

You had to buy some foods because you ate it all when you stayed up all night watching anime

You felt sleepy tho. You yawned quietly as your eyes were just a little open

You tripped on a cat. You looked at the cat and picked it up

It's an (random color (yes any color)) cat.

It has cute golden eyes

"Aww... Where is your owner little kitty?" You asked the cat

The cat looked like it was about to cry "Oh no no! Don't cry! Let me take you home then it will be your home too" You said

It meowed happily. You giggled. You carried the groceries and the cat home

As you went home you put the groceries the dining table first

You put the cat in the couch you sat beside him

You picked him again and looked at his neck "you have no collar. So that means no one owns you yet (sigh) well then... I'll be your owner" you said then smiled warmly

The cat jumped and meowed at you happily you just giggled

"what should I name you?" you taped your chin and began thinking

"Aha! What about karma?" you asked then the cat nodded happily

You stroke his pur softly "well then karma, you need to rest a while. I'll go and ready your meal when you wake up" You said and left karma to sleep

Your POV

I left karma in the living room for a sec. I went to the kitchen to fix the groceries and put some cat food then after that I went to my room.

I opened my laptop then went to an anime blog to see if (your fav anime) has a new episode (if it's done then pretend there will be another episode)

Then it has 5 new episode. I watched it all. After all the watching stuff I felt really sleepy so I slowly went to sleep

Karma's POV

[he's a human neko now]

(A/N: Oh btw he can control his transformation)

I slowly woke up. I smell food. So I follow the smell and lead me to a cat food

[human neko karma: off]

I went back to my cat self then eat the cat food. After I ate my cat food I went to find my owner.

I search around the house... Except upstairs... Why am I searching for her you ask? I wanna scare her because she don't know I can turn to human

But my cat ears and tail are still here

[Human neko karma: on]

I change into my neko self then walked upstairs

I opened the door that says '(Y/N)'s room' and found her sound asleep

I slowly walked up to her. I reached her height because she was laying down.

I poked her cheeks repeatedly.

Your POV

Ugh... I feel like someone is poking me so I slowly opened my eyes

I saw an neko boy with red hair poking me in my cheek

"AHHH!" I screamed and rolled behind then I fall on the floor

Karma X Reader ❤One Shots❤ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now