Karma X Kuudere! Reader

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"Uwaaa!~ (Y/n) nee-chan! My crush just rejected me" Your younger sister/brother said (pretend you have one if you don't have one)

"Jeez, (younger sister/brother), you're crying because of that? He's just a stupid boy/girl so get it over with" you said coldly and bluntly to your crying sister/brother

"Why so mean?" She/he asked before heading to his/her room

You sighed and watched TV.


You were always quiet and never show emotions.

Everyone in your classroom thought you and Itona were twins.

"Hey, (Y/n)-chan! Wanna come with us to the new Sweets Shop that just opened?" Asked Kayano

"Sure" You said bluntly


Kayano was drooling over it's deliciousness

Her eyes were heart shaped and she has a wide smile

"They should've opened this shop a year ago! I'd be their best costumer!" Kayano commented

You were just looking at them with a straight look.

You reached out for a cupcake, it was really delicious looking so you thought to buy it.

You went to the counter and you looked for money but you were out of 400 yen

Before you could ask someone to lend you some. Some hand reached money to the cashier.

You looked up to see your crush, Karma Akabane.

"Don't worry, it's on me" he said and he bought a cupcake too

"Oh, I didn't know you were here" You said looking at him

"Yeah, I was with you guys. Maybe you were busy looking at sweets" He said and shrugged

He bit on his cupcake and about to take his leave until you stop him.

"I'll walk home with you" You stated as you bid good bye to your friends

Along the walk, you would often look at him and ask questions.

"(Y/n)-chan, you have cupcake frostings in your mouth" he stopped so did you.

He brushed off that icing using his thumb.

You blushed which was kinda new for you.

"Whoa, you blushed... Hehe~ you show emotions too?~" He kinda teased

You just continued walking and he quickens his pace to catch up

You were looking directly in front and you swear, you will never look at any direction

While on the other hand, karma was just looking at you. Which caused your cheeks to burn

"S-Stop looking at me" you said and he had his eyes look at you in awe.

That's the first time you stutter in your life

Finally, you both arrived at your house. You invited him in, but he refuses.

You had no choice, you rolled you eyes and pulled him in.

He took off his shoes like you, and walked in.

"This is your house? It's nice" he comments.

"Nee-chama!! Homework! Help! Now!" Your annoying little sibling said

"Not now, (little bro/sis), I have a visitor. Do it by yourself" you said in monotone and she/he huffed.

"That was cold, (Y/n)-chan. But it was cute" he teases and you blush once again

Karma X Reader ❤One Shots❤ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now