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Karma X Anorexic! Reader.

Sorry for being hiatus and sorry for making this request come out too long. I have no time held in my hands in the past few weeks, but I try my best. This is the last request I'll be doing. Good bye.

Requested: Angela1233456565


I chugged another medicine down. One after another. I can't stop worrying about whatever they think of me. Ever since that day, I've been like this. I can't help it anymore.


I twiddled my fingers, looking down, and biting my lips from nervousness. I keep worrying about how I would meet two people from a special person.


Someone called out as I looked up to see the person. A smile formed my lips because, he was smiling too.

"Do you think they'll like me?"

"Definitely. Don't worry about it." He patted my head and held my hand as we go in his house. There we see their parents back from abroad. I started to shake and go pale.

"Hey sweetie." A bitter-sweet smile formed his mom's lips so did his dad. As he just gave a straight face, that's all..

"Who's this," Asked his dad, putting down his bag, "A friend?" his eyebrow went up.

"No, she's my girlfriend. Mom, dad, this is (name)." He said as I wave wuth a smile. They looked at me as if I was such a disappointment.

"Hi, dear." His mother spat bitterly and walking away. That made my stomach burst.

As his hand squeezed mine, making me feel calm.


"You can't be serious? Her?" I overheard his mom say. "Yes, what's wrong?" I didn't wanna do this but I hid behind the door stopping my tracks.

"I mean look at her! She's just so.. Different! She's not even fit! She's way out of your league, sweetie." Her mom says sweetly. "Come back home abroad for a while. I don't take no as an answer."

...why am i sobbing now?


"don't worry, idiot. I'll be back." He hugged me patting my head "You'll miss me, don'tcha? ~"

"Yes" I said with teary eyes. His eyes widen as he didn't expect that, he scoffed with smiling then kissed me before he go. "Don't do something dumb now while I'm gone."

I just faked a smile when i saw his parents look at me with disgust in their eyes.


I sobbed even more with that memory. Am I really worth for him? They're right. I'm not that pretty and fit. I'm just an ugly and fat girl.

I put the medicines back and went out my bathroom with a tured face. And even before I can reach my bed I collapsed and fainted.

I guess I got what I deserve?


I try to open my eyes but all I see is blur. I hear someone calling my name. God, is that you?

"Jesus...?" I call out with a faint voice as I get a flick on the forehead, "No, dumbass! It's your boyfriend."

"K-Karma...? You're back?" I sat up but I suddenly feel weak, "Idiot, stay down." He went up to get the soup on a table, then proceeded to feed me.

"I told you to not to do something dumb! And why are you so thin? Is your anorexia coming back?" He asked, worriedly.

"I-I'm sorry." I teared up and tried not to cry as he just flicked my forehead again, "You wasted your money on useless medicines again. You just finished your teraphy, right? Why are you doing this again?" He asked yet again.

"I heard.. I heard your mother talk about me. About how I'm not good enough for you.. And how.. How I-" He cut me off with a kiss, as I just cried.

Once he pulled away, he smacked my head, "Ow! Why?" He sighed, "Dummy, it doesn't matter what they say. You're my girlfriend, not theirs. Okay? Tch, you really are a dummy." I just cried as he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Don't cry, don't cry. My monsterous parents are gone now." He snickered a little, as I just laughed with him. I really need to be healed right now.

"Come on, let's go eat. My treat. I know you won't say no to that." He pulled me out the bed and kissed my forehead.

"I love you so goddamn much." I hugged him as he sighed, "I know."

[Author's Last Note ♥]

Heyo! You've reached the last chapter! Congratulations! 🎊

You have collected [1,000+] >Love< from yours truly and the friends you made here!

Thanks so much for all your patience with me and all your support!

I love you, and see you♡

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