Every Morning

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Sorreehh for not updating kk read the a/n at the end it's important... K! Kkkkkkkk

Enjoooyy~~~ the paasssttaaa~~~//slap

Itona: sorry she's drunk. Anyway enjoy the chapter minna... (•-•)







Karma just groaned and turned away from you

You shook him "Karma! We're gonna be late!"

"I don't.... care..." He said sleepily

You groaned and got up but pulled back by karma

"Karma! We're gonna be late for goodness sake! Let me go!" You said getting away from his grip but man, he is strong

"Karmaaa..." You groaned in annoyance

"Just stay here and cuddle with me.." He said hugging you tightly

He buried his face in your hair. And pulled you closer.

A giggle escaped your mouth and you turned around to hug him back

You buried your face in his chest and hugged back tightly

You both stayed in that position


"HOLY FCKING SHT WE'RE LATE!" You shouted and rushed to the bathroom

You got dressed and brushed your teeth and hurried down stairs

"Karma! What are you doing?! We're gonna be late!"

"Yeah, I don't really care" he said sipping his coffee

You groaned "karma!"

"Fine, fine" he said and you both left the place

Don't worry karma is dressed before you did.

"So see at lunch then?" You asked

"Nah, what about.. See you at the oak tree, let's ditch class" he said

"Hehe, sorry karma." You said and kissed his lips "Bye, my cute devil!"

"Bye, love!"


Hehe I know crappy and short

I hope the readers enjoyed!

U: owh... :(

Haha! I know U enjoyed.

U: :D

Anyway, Cheater chapter lamer limer tomato potato unicorn fly to space //slap sorry

The Cheater Chapter has no more parts, just imagine what will happen next.


Bye BYEEEE minna saan~

Itona: (• - •) bye...

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