Wedding Time

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Someone requested a wedding one shot so....

Here! Also someone requested a Mommy and Daddy chappie. Sorry I'm gonna make it last tho. Because you know. Before they become mom and dad they're gonna do a wedding first.

Anyway. Enjoy~!


Your POV

"K-Karma? What you d-doing?" You asked him

He kneeled by one knee "(Y/N)-chan... Will you be my wife?" He asked

You were about to cry. You covered you mouth your eyes showed happiness.

You nodded "Yes!" karma stood up

You hugged him while crying. "I love you so much!" You said between sobs

~Wedding day!~

"Hey" Said your best friend (best friend name or B/F/N)

"Are you ready?" She/He asked

"Just a moment...." You said and looked outside holding (Fave Flowers) in your hand

You are wearing this wedding gown 👇

You are wearing this wedding gown 👇

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(you pick one)

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(you pick one)

You sighed once more before saying "I'm ready"

~At the church~

Karma was smiling happily. Kaede was wiping her tears of joy while holding hands with nagisa

Nagisa is smiling happily for his friend. Rio was crying too. Every classmate of you and karma was very happy

And author-chan was the one who's gonna make you married

You slowly walk down the aisle while your arms clinging into your dad

When you got to the front you were smiling happily at karma

"*cough* Do you, Karma Akabane, take this really beautiful and kind woman as your wife?" Jenn-chan asked

"I do" Karma said and slipped one ring

"Do you, (Y/N) (L/N), take this handsome and hawt man as your beloved husband?" Jenn-chan asked and winked

You blushed and said "I do" Then you put one ring in karma's hand

"Do someone not want this man and woman together?" Jenn-chan asked

Someone stood up and raised it's hand

Jenn-chan threw a rock at him/her and she/he fainted

"Anyone else?" She asked. Then everyone went quiet

"May they be the best OTP and the best couple. I now pronounce you husband and wife" jenn-chan said

"Now kiss so everyone can see how a good kisser karma is!" author-chan said and pulled out a phone

Everyone did too

When you kissed karma some flashing can be seen

After that you threw the flowers and author-chan caught it

"OH BAES! COME HERE AND GIMME A KISS!" Author chan said and all of her senpais run for their life

Author chan chased all of her baes.

While she was chasing her baes. Karma began carrying you bridal style.

You blushed and everyone cheered

"Best. Day. Ever!" You said and karma carried you all the way home


Hi minna!

Here is some question so I can get to know my precious readers

•What is your zodiac sign? (I'm Aquarius)

•Birthday? (Valentines day is my b-day >~<)

•Fave chapter in this one shot? (I like the Yandere chapters)

•Fave singer/band? (Maroon V and TS)

AssClass or Black Butler? (Err both?)

•Fave color? (Rainbow!)

That's all I could think minna >~<

I have a new book called "Ask/Dare Me!"

I really hope you could ask or dare me there ^•^

You could ask or dare me here and I could do that to my book

Hope u enjoyed!

Bye minna!

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