Karma X Magical! Reader

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[Oh hey I updated]

Here ya go, ma'am! Enjoy!

Btw, consider this a bit short. Ducking teachers and works. Ughh.

Requested by:
@Shushz (sorry if it took long!)




"THERE SHE GOES! AFTER HER!" The police people said and ran after the mystery person behind the (f/c) cloak

The person threw some smoke, and when the smoke faded, she was gone.

They groaned again in another failed attempt. But that isn't all. The person managed to catch them in a big gum from above.

Once they were all pinned down, she jumped down the floor and smirked.

"Another failed attempt. Tsk tsk, why don't you guys just quit. You will never catch me." She turned around and slowly walk away


The person on a cloak stepped on the window. Before she jump, she turns back again saying.

"By the way, it's (choice of secret name), not mystery person. Report this if you want me famous. But you still can't catch me." She winks before falls back falling off the building.

She grabs her cloak and flies, flies inside an invisible hot air balloon. Once she did, she sighed slumping down on the nearby couch.

"How was it?"

The voice startled her and she pointed a card at the person's neck.

"It's you." She threw her card somewhere and sighed "Good I guess. The police can't even handle me. I guess I'm that good." She smirked

"Seriously, (y/n)? Or should I say (choice of secret name)~" Her best friend, Karma, teased.

"I could do better than you. If you would teach me tricks. I guess you were just afraid I'll top you on this~" That made the girl annoyed.

"Tch. You make me irritated. I teach you tricks you know!" (Y/n) blurted out angrily.

Karma laughed seeing the magician angry and sat beside her.

"I was just kidding! You're so cute when mad." He laughed more as ick marks was on your head.

"Karma!" The girl scolded. Her eyebrow twitched as she opened her sleeve. On her sleeve came out many cards.

As many as it can cover her. When the dove went outside. She was gone and was nowhere to be seen.

Karma was nervous for a second that's when he felt a sharp feeling pointing at his neck.

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