The Wedding: Last Chapter

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We stopped, the car stopped, gosh.. I'm nervous again!

Mother hugged me, which made me a less nervous.

I sighed as the gates open, bubbles surrounded me when I walked in

I stood there looking at the priest.. Wait.. A girl?

"Yowz.. Sup? Me names jenn! Let's start this damn wedding now!" She grinned

After the talk, we said our vows

"Do you, Akabane Karma, take this kind, sweet and beautiful woman, as your lovely wedded wife?" She asked

"I do"

"And do you, (Y/n) (L/n), take this hot, handsome, cute, badass, one hell of a red head and sweet man as your lovely wedded husband?"


Say no...


Say no...


I looked at karma who's waiting for my answer.. His eyes shows pleading..

Say no..




"I do" I didn't know why I smiled at that moment so did karma

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss--"

Before Jenn can continue, karma already kissed me.

I was quite surprised!

When he pulled away, I hit him in the chest.

"You baka!" I said and I was the one to kiss him now.

I heard everyone cheer and I felt happy inside..


"I can't wait for our honeymoon" karma whispered to my ear

I blushed so deep that everyone couldn't see my face anymore

"YOU CAN'T STOP BEING A BAKA, CAN YOU!?" I hit him again and again as he laughed

He hugged me and carried me bridal style

He kiss me on the cheek and everyone awed

"I love you, Mrs. Akabane~"

"Shut up..."

He chuckled..

Actually.. I'm pretty scared of what he'll do to me..


End! :)

Hope you enjoyed!~

I'll be canceling...

The teacher chappie and replaced them with..

~> Karma X Vocaloid! Reader


~> Big Bro! Karma X Lil' Sis! Reader

But I'll be continuing

Kuudere! Karma X Sadistic! Reader

And I wanted to ask.. If you, my lovely readers, would want a...


Let me know ;)

~ J-Chan

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