Baby! Asano&Karma x Reader Pt2

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Okay so many voted for the baby chapter

And sorry I took long to update this chappie 😅

I got that thing called writer's block.

Oh yeah the photo above is baby karma and asano :)

There will be different stories you can pick or you can read it all.

Enjoy the chapter~!


Story 1

It was Karma and asano's birthday today

Today they are turning 2.

"Mom! Mom! Can (Y/N) go to our birthday party?! Please!" They both said

"(Y/N)-chan has many babies to look after. Okay?" Their mom said patting their heads.

They just pouted. "Can we try asking her for once?" Karma asked and gakushu nodded.

Their mom sighed and dialed the baby sitter company.

"Hello?" Someone picked it up but it's someone else

"Yeah hi. Is (Y/N) there?" their mom asked "Sorry she's not here. She's somewhere. She had her vacation yesterday" The lady said

"Okay thanks" Their mom said and hang up.

"See (Y/N) is out there somewhere having a vacation" their mom said and left to make the cake.

Karma's POV

"We need a plan" asano said

"Yeah. Maybe she's just in her house" I said. I grabbed my laptop and began typing fast.

"Aha! Her house is at (random address)" I said and gakushu took down notes.

I grabbed a rope, ladder and everything you need to break in a house.

"Let's go" We said and go to (Y/N) house

We used our ninja skills so no one will see us.

~Time skip to your house~

We saw (Y/N) relaxing. Good she's here.

Time to break in her house.

Your POV

This is so relaxing. Then I heard beeping sound

I run down and saw... Gakushu?! Karma?!

"Oh my! What are you doing here?!" I asked worried and carried them

Gakushu's POV

I think it's time to let (Y/N) know that we're smart

I sighed

(Y/N) eyes widen.

I nodded at karma. He nodded back.

Your POV

Something's not right here.

"Okay (Y/N) we're smart babies" Gakushu said fast

I screamed and dropped them but they did a backflip

"W-What? H-How?" I asked super shocked

"Just... Can you go to our birthday party pleeease!" Karma begged and made cute little puppy eyes

"U-Uh..." I'm still super shock

"Please!" They both said and hugged me

"Okay okay. Come here" I said and carried them "You should've told me earlier" I said

They still just hugged me.

~At the birthday party~

"Happy birthday to you!" Everyone cheered and the babies blows the candles

They opened their gifts. Except mine. I haven't give them my present yet

Their mom said the babies want to see me in their room

So I went there "Um hi?" I said and walked in

"Sorry I haven't give you my present yet"

"It's okay" they both said. "here" I gave them my present and they opened it. It was two necklaces. "I love it!" they both said

"Thanks!" "You're welcome" I said and we enjoyed the party. It was okay for me to have baby lovers. I think they wanna make an invention to make them big boys (; ^_^)

Well anyway... I love them too as my little brothers it's okay if they feel different tho. I'll still be taking care of them ( ^_^ )

Story 2

"Mooooom!" The babies groaned "Okay okay!" their mom dialed your phone but no answer "Maybe she's busy okay? Maybe on your next birthday she will be there ^^" their mom said and left to decorate the bakyard

"Maybe she has been kidnap!" Asano said "Or-or maybe she loved someone else!" Karma said worried

"I Believe someone kidnapped her" asano said "Fine fine" karma rolled his eyes and grabbed his laptop and tracked you.

"There she is!" They both said "Let's go save her!" they both said and grabbed some stuff

~Later on~

They sneakily came to the small house.

They peeked and saw you in a chair all tied up and your mouth was covered by a tape

You struggled and kicked and wiggled and kept shouting even if your mouth is covered

"Shut up!" Some guy said and slammed the table with his hand

You just glared at him. Karma and Asano was super shock.

They kicked down the door. "Hey you! Stop this nonsense right now or you'll get beaten!" Asano said

They were shock because they didn't expect a baby can talk but laughed afterwards because of their cute baby talk

"Look kids YOU are the one who is gonna be beaten" The guy said asano was furious so is karma

They just kicked them in their legs and jumped on them and scratched their faces

"Ow! Please! Stop! Okay! We'll let her go!" The guy said and untied you

Once you were untied you smacked the guy's head really hard.

"Let's go boys. By the way I knew you babies could talk" you said and smirked

"Well.... CAN YOU GO TO OUR BIRTHDAY PARTY?! Pleeeaase?!" They both said at the same time

"Hm... Sure! Why not?!" You said "And here's a little something I can give you as a thank you gift and birthday gift too" You said and kissed them on the lips

You don't mind because they're just babies after all

They blushed madly and fist bumped the air and whispered "yes" at the same time

You giggled "Come on. We have a birthday party to attend" You carried them and drove them to their house

Actually the car you used is the kidnapper's car.

You all went there and partied like never before

And you really don't mind having baby lovers at all


Hi minna! I'm so so sorry it took so long :(

But I updated! Yay!

My baby brother just came from our province and I need to take care of him and stuff

Now I updated cause good grief he's asleep ( ; - , - )=3

And I got writer's block too. Very truly sorry guys :(

But hey! See you on the bonus chapter ;)

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