Makoto x Reader part 2

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I groaned waking up... I blinked as I looked around where I was at... I don't recognize anything. I sat up a little and felt pain in my stomach and actually felt pain everywhere. I heard a gasp and turned my head to see multiple people coming into my room. One hugged my tightly and said crying "I'm so glad your okay!!!" I stayed quiet as he hugged me... He pulled away frowning "Why aren't you saying anything??" I shrugged "I don't know you." His eyes went wide and everyone else looked at me shocked... I raised an eyebrow "What?? Am I suppose to know any of you? What even happened and why does it hurt all over??" The one that hugged me previously began yelling "Get the doctor!!!!" His friends calmed him down as the doctor came in and checked me over... He turned off his flash light in my eye and I blinked rapidly as he sighed "Well Miss (L/n). You were in a car accident." I asked "Oh, was I driving?? Did I hit anyone?? Are they okay?" He shook his head "No no, you misunderstand, you were walking home and you were hit by the car..." I asked "Then how the hell am I alive?? Jesus Christ..." The doctor nodded chuckling "Yes well, you cracked a few ribs and had some internal bleeding along with some cuts and scraps but astonishingly that was it." One of the people asked angry "That was it??" The doctor said "Oh yes, excuse me, and your memory loss." I scratched my head "Uhh... Okay. Soooo when can I get outta here?" He chuckled "Within a few days. Until then I'll leave you with your friends..." He walked out and a red headed male came over to me "(Y/n)?? Do you remember anything??" I scrunched my neck up slightly and went "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...." I narrowed my eyes at my bed sheets "Hm no." The girl who was related to him began to cry... I stared at her not saying anything... I didn't feel bad that she was crying, how could I? I didn't know her... The nurse came into my room with a food tray and set it down in front of me! I looked down at the tray and poked at my food as those people talked among themselves... I heard a throat clear and looked at them and saw a guy with black hair and blue eyes... He said "(Y/n), were your friends. I'm Haruka Nasase, this is Nagisa, Rei, Sousuke, Rin, Gou, and your boyfriend, Makoto Tachibana." I asked "Boyfriend?? But I don't know who any of you are..." I glared at him slightly and the one named Sousuke sighed "You may have lost your memory but your still as logical as ever..." A thing happened and I shook my head slightly and muttered looking back at my food "Whale shark..." I picked up my fork, or spork, as the one named Rin yelled "Wait! Did you just call him whale shark?!?" They all looked at me with hopeful eyes and I said creeped out a little "Yeaaahhh.... Why?" Gou yelled "Because that what you used to call him when you had your memory!!!" Makoto growled "So my girlfriend remembered a different man first??" Sousuke sweat dropped and I said "Psh, hell no, I don't know who the fuck he is not do i know any of you people. My brain just connected him to a whale shark. Because he's got a fucking big mouth." Sousuke glared at me and nagisa said optimistically "This is good! It means that she's still making connections with certain things to us!!! So maybe she still has her memories but they're just all jumbled up and lost in her mind!" A knock sounded at the door and a guy who was a bit banged up asked "Is this the room where the girl I hit with my car is??" In a flash Makoto had slammed him to the wall "Because of you!! my girlfriend, the love of my life, doesn't remember me! Or anything!!" The guy stuttered out "Hey! I-I'm sorry man!! I couldn't see with that mud in my wind shield!!!" I yawned slightly acting oblivious to them as I ate my food and watched tv... Eventually everything calmed down and everyone had to leave, except for Makoto, he stayed saying that it was his duty as a loyal and loving boyfriend to stay by my side... It was night time now and the tv was off and they brought in a bed beside mine for Makoto who changed into pj stuff which was a white shirt and green pants and he got into the bed beside mine... I turned to him as the tv shut off and I hugged my pillow "So if they were really my boyfriend then tell me about yourself and then tell me about myself." He smiled and began to explain him self... He was shy, nice, sweet, and over all a gentle giant. Then he began to explain me... I was confident, sometimes mean to people, intimidating, and over all a short Evil thing... I asked "Then why would we date in the first place?? We're nothing alike, we'd fight too much even if we loved each other and ultimately be unhappy." He seemed oddly happy as he said "You said that the day we began dating." I smiled "Really? What did you do to make me change my mind?" His expression changed from happy to very sad as tears began to come from his eyes "We-We chafed a common ground... We both liked sports, we both liked animals, we both liked going to the beach..." He let out a shaky breath as he looked at the ceiling with tears in his eyes "And that was enough to change your mind and date me... And for a year we grew closer together and the day the accident happened you told me for the first time that you loved me..." I asked "Wait you were with me? No one mentioned that..." He began whipping his eyes even though the tears wouldn't stop "Yeah, I'm also the reason you got hit... I couldn't react fast enough so you pushed me out of the way and got hit instead... I'm so sorry..." I got on my knees and got close to his face and he began to blush brightly. I felt something weird go on in my head... I whipped his tears and said "I don't like it when you cry... When she cried I didn't feel all that bad but... It's different with you. I feel...bad..." He asked "D-Do you remember me at all." I hummed as I racked my brain for anything of him... I said looking at him as I wasn't really sure "Twins..." He smiled "I have two younger siblings that are twins!" I hummed using my brain power "The swim team..." He got excited "I'm on the swim team!!!" I said pointing at him "Captain!" Tears pricked his eyes and I put my hands in his shoulders "Don't cry." He sniffled trying not to... I yawned and said "Anyways, I'm tired... Remembering that stuff took a lot of power. Imma go to sleep." I turned off the lamp and we both got comfy... After a while I sighed... He asked "Can you not sleep?" I shook my head "No... I don't know why?" He shrugged "Most of the time you'd either sleep over at my house with me or I'd sleep over at your house with you." I asked "You think that's why I can't sleep?" He nodded blushing slightly. I shrugged and patted the spot next to me. He smiled and got in to my bed and I was half was into him with my leg and arm over him and his arms were wrapped around me.. This felt way more comfy... I asked "Since we always slept at each other's houses did we ever... Ya know..." He looked at me oddly as I asked "Uh... Have sex?" He blushed "U-Uh... Well, we'd occasionally get into a heated make out or we'd leave hickies on each other but.. Nothing much else. We both agreed to take our time." I said "Oh..." I sighed and hugged him tightly... He cared for me so much and I felt like I should too... I leaned up slightly and kissed him and it felt special. Made me feel all tingly inside he kissed back and I said "If you managed to make me fall in love with you like you said you did then you can do it again." He smiled and hugged me tightly and said "I love you so much." I hugged him "Something says I loved you a lot too." He snuggles into me and I hugged him and fell asleep soundly within his arms.

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