Cuba x OC

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I yawned as I sat up in the bed I shared with Cuba... Only to find he wasn't there. I mean usually by this time I'd be waking up to scoot away from him because he squishes me. Cause you know, Cuba was the man that towered over everyone except a select few. Where was this giant man that I loved so much?? I quietly got up and found him in the bathroom... I tilted my head and saw him standing in front of the mirror with an unhappy look as he patted his stomach. I mean, it's no secret that he loves ice cream and he's recently been eating more then usual so he's gained a little weight but he's still so amazingly attractive.... At least in my opinion. He flexed his arm and huffed, seemingly he was unhappy with his body. I came up behind him and asked as I wrapped my arms around his waist "Observing how great you look??" I let out a slight chuckle and he blushed slightly and I slid in front of him and lightly dragged my hands up his torso and to his shoulders and pulled him down a bit and kissed him. He hugged his arms around my waist kissing back and I chuckled hugging him "I love you!" He smiled and simply nuzzled his face into my hair and neck. He chuckled gratefully "I love you too." I patted his back "I'm gonna go make breakfast, come down when your ready." I kissed his cheek and pulled away from his grasp and ran down he stairs and jumped off the last few like a little kid! I went to the kitchen and began on making a good break fast. I hummed as I cooked and I heard his foots steps and him sit down. He huffed "Maybe I should work out more..." I chuckled "You play a lot of sports already. I think your current stuff is fine." He hummed and I served him his food and kissed his head "Plus you don't wanna push yourself too hard. You could get a stress fracture." He grunted slightly... I swear if he gets an attitude with me... My phone started ringing and I ran and grabbed it an answered "Hello???" It was Germany, he was notifying me that there was a meeting today! I nodded "Thanks Germany! See you later!" Cuba eyed me and huffed... I asked giving him on more chance to quit with his attitude "Is there something you'd like to say?" And he didn't take that chance to quit "You sounded happier to be talking to Germany." I looked at him with a calm expression and then said shaking my head "Okay, if that's how it's gonna be today then you can make your way to the world meeting today on your own." I walked up stairs after hearing him grunt and changed into my uniform. I walked out of the house without him. I arrived at the meeting house and Germany greeted me "Hello Palau." I nodded "Germany." He titled his head "Is something vrong?" I shrugged "Cuba today. He's just in a bad mood and caught an attitude with me." Germany blushed "I'm not good at Zhese things..." I chuckled and hit his chest slightly "Why don't you just go make a move on Italy." His face went bright red and I laughed even more. I heard a crashing and Germany and I turned to see Cuba hand smashed a small table that was next to the wall. He death glared at Germany and I and walked off.... I nodded to Germany "Told ya." Germany sweat dropped and we all sat in our seats. I sat alone for right now and Prussia sat on my right while France sat on my left... These guys give me the heebie-geebies... Cuba sat just across the table glaring hard core at the two men. Cuba was very nice, except when he found that someone was moving in on something that was his. I was his and he didn't like it one bit that Prussia and France wanted me for their own. France hooked his arms around me "Palau! I can not take it any more! I want you to be my wife!!!" My eyes went wide and before I new it Cuba had shot across the table and superman punched France through the wall!!! He yelled "You think you can move in on my girl, man?!" I looked a Prussia "You still wanna try something on me??" He sweat dropped and shook his head... I chuckled and stood up addressing everyone "Don't worry. I got it." I walked past Cuba grabbing his ponytail making him Yelp and I dragged him away from the beaten up France. We went to a separate room and I crossed my arms "Cuba..." He glared looking anywhere but me. I continued to look at him and he huffed crossing his arms "Your mine. And he wanted to marry you..." I sighed and sat down beside him "Cuba, tell me what's wrong..." He groaned and said unhappily "You know I've gained weight, one day your gonna see I'm not attractive and then your gonna go off with some pretty boys like France or Germany. Hell maybe even Sweden." I chuckled and said "Your the stupidest person I've ever met." He gave me an odd look and I sat on his lap and kissed him lovingly "I'd love you in any form you'd take, and I wouldn't leave you for France because he's a weird sicko, Germany is too much of a hardass, and Sweden..." I thought for a moment "We don't even speak... Then all the other guys are complete tools. But I love you with all my heart and I'd never leave you for any reason." I put my hand on his cheek and he put his larger hand over it and asked "Really? Even if I gain weight." I chuckled "You're just pleasantly plump. And I love it." He kissed me and hugged me tightly "Your so wonderful!!!" I chuckled and then kissed down his neck seductively and whispered into his ear "When we get home after the meeting I can show you how much I love you, if you want." His eyes widen a bit and he nodded blushing "Y-Yes please!"

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