Metal Bat x OC (High School AU)

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I sighed walking through this school... I'm a Junoir and I'm very much tired of people. I moved to a new school because at my last school I was expelled for beating the shit out of multiple other students. Not my fault they were all snobby bullies.  They kept making fun of the special kids, and kept bulling the smart kids. That shit don't fly with me, so first I asked nicely for them to stop and when they told me to fuck off I lost my shit and beat the fuck out of them and taught them a lesson to not be snobby bitches. I sighed and knocked on a door that was suppose to be my class room. The teacher opened the door and he said unhappily "Your late." I shrugged "Sorry, I got held up in the office and then got lost." He hummed "I'll let it pass this time." I nodded and walked in and shoved my hands into my pockets... The teacher said "Class, please welcome our new student. Jay, can you please tell the class about yourself?" I sighed lazily and said "I'm Jay Post. I like playing soccer, snowboarding, and pretty much any other sport. I can be a loud mouth sometimes and annoying but it's what ever. Most of the time I keep to myself." The teachers phone rang and he answered it and stepped out of the room. The snobby looking girl in the front said smirking "Jay? Isn't that a guys name??" I shrugged "Maybe. Your probably right though, I mean I'm sure you've gotten very personal with a lot of men." The whole class went "Ohhhh." She glared at me and she huffed "Well at least I can pull off the outfit I'm wearing." I asked "What's that suppose to mean?" She smirked "Well with your body type and all, I'm just saying you really can't pull that out fit off." I looked down gripping my shirt slightly as the class began to laugh at me. I smirked and said "I completely agree with you. I could never pull off these clothes..." I stepped up to her desk and leaned forward and said smirking widely "Put that's why I have your boyfriend coming over to my house to pull them off for me!" Every one in the class went "OOHHH!" She looked at me shocked and I stuck my middle finger up and stepped back as the teacher came in. He gave us all an odd look and the girl who I just greatly offended said "She just insulted me non stop!!! She needs to be sent to the principals office!!!" The teacher looked at me and I said putting up my cute act "I don't know what she's talking about, I mean, she just said that I had a guys name and she was being quite mean to me..." I pouted and batted my eye lashes. He began to blush and asked "Class is this true?" He looked at the class and I glared at everyone and they all quickly got the message that I was not to be fucked with. They nodded "Yes sir!" He crossed his arms "I said to welcome the new student. Not be mean to her. If I heard about this again I'll send you to the principals office." Her jaw dropped and I smirked and he told me to sit down by some guy who I didn't really his name. I sat beside the guy who had black hair that was slicked back. Class went on and we were in physics... I blinked shaking my head slightly trying to stay awake as I wrote down answers the the equations. After I did the last one I crossed my arms over the table and quickly fell asleep only occasionally waking up. Suddenly the bell rang and I sat up lazily... I yawned and scratched out and heard my back pop. I pulled my bag up and began to put away my work. Suddenly the guy beside me said "Hey." I looked at him... He said "I'm metal bat." I asked "Metal bat? What kind of name is that??" He shrugged "My gang name." I raised an eyebrow and said "Alright. Just don't try to pull shit with me. I'm not gonna back down just because your a gang leader or member." He smirked and said "Yer a fighter." I huffed "I'm a fighter for people who can't fight for themselves." He hummed "So yer the justice type ay?" I shrugged "Yeah. And your the criminal type right?" He shrugged smirking "Maybe." I stood up and put my bag on and said "Whatever." I walked out and he caught up with me "Wanna come to baseball practice with me? We can hang out after." I huffed "I have things to do today." He muttered "Bull." I smirked and he huffed "I'll get you to agree sometime." I shrugged "Sure. Whatever helps you sleep." He walked off "See ya tomorrow." I watched him as he walked off and admired his body and looks in general. I walked home and felt a buzz on my phone. I looked down

Metal Bat❤️: I found your phone while you were sleeping. Better text me back.

I glared and texted back

Me: Your asking for a death wish. Did you go through my phone.

A moment later my phone buzzed

Metal Bat❤️: No. Why?

I smirked slightly and texted back

Me:Why do you think? I have porn on my phone. Anyways see you later.

Metal Bat❤️:Wait! What?!

Metal Bat❤️:Answer me damn it!!!
Metal Bat❤️: Fine. I didn't want to talk that much anyways.

Metal bat❤️:Are you really ignoring me??

[Time skip]
I laid my head down sighing and metal bat whispered "Your cute when you sleep." I flicked him in the forehead and said "Back off." He huffed and eventually class ended. I stood up and metal bat asked "Sooo...." I sighed, he does this a couple times a week. For the past 7 months he's been hell bent on getting me to come to baseball practice with him. I mean, I don't know why. We text all the time, I've met his sister who was quite fond of me, and we've spent a lot of time with each other. I sighed "Fine. I'll go to baseball practice with you." His face lit up and he grabbed my hand and dragged me away! I sat by his bag in the dug out and watched as him and his teammates practices and everything. I'm not gonna lie... His ass looked great in those baseball pants. I've developed a crush on me. A huge one. His phone buzzed and I grabbed it and looked to see Zenko was calling. I answered "Hey, he's at practice right now." Zenko laughed "You finally agree??" I shrugged "Yeah. Shoulda seen how happy he was." She laughed "Tell him we need more milk." I nodded "Will do fam." She said bye and hung up and I looked at his lock screen and saw it was a picture of me went I fell asleep in his bed once. I chuckled "That's kinda creepy but cute." I unlocked his phone because surprisingly he didn't have a lock code. The home screen came up and I smiled. His lock screen was a picture of us both when we went to the fair and went on the Ferris wheel and he took a picture of when we were at the top. I went to my contact in his phone and kept back a laugh. My name in his phone was ❤️Badass Princess💙 I put his phone back in his back and continued to admire him from the dug out. People always say he's a trouble maker and all but he's really nice and sweet when he wants to be. There have been many time though when I would be baby sitting his sister and late at night he would come home all blooding or with a bloody baseball bat and I'd always get in a fight with him. I'm afraid that one of these days it'll be him that doesn't come home. I sighed and soon enough their practice was done. Metal bat smiled "Thanks for coming." I shrugged "By the way Zenko called. She wants you to pick up milk." He nodded as we walked towards our homes that were actually close to each other. I said suddenly "Metal Bat are you ever gonna stop being a gang member?" He shrugged "I don't know. Why?" I sighed "Well... I've been thinking... There's this thing called the hero's association. They register you as a hero and you get paid pretty well. I was thinking about joining since I'm strong, faster, have more energy, and I can regenerate really fast. My only problem is that when I stop criminals that means you and I would have to place you under arrest." He asked stopping "Your kidding right? A hero?" I stopped and said "Yeah. I mean I protect people Bat. I'm not a gang member like you." He huffed and asked "Why am I your problem?" I blushed slightly "Because I care about you... I don't want to see you get hurt and I don't want to be the one to hurt you. Because I like you a lot..." His eyes widen and then he grabbed me and kissed me! I blushed brightly but kissed him back. After a moment he smirked and said "Tell me more about this Hero's association and how much they pay." I smiled brightly and began to explain stuff to him and he said "I'll be a hero on one condition." I asked "What is it??" He said "You gotta be my girlfriend." I smiled and said "Deal!" He kissed me again and said "Good."

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