Garou x OC

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I walked towards the spot my brother said he would be watching over today. My brother is WatchDog Man. He's so weird but I'm his sister so I'm just as weird. My ears detected screaming and I instantly began running! See a guy name Dr. Genus took me as a kid and experiment on me and a few years back my brother found me and broke me out of that place. But I wasn't really normal anymore. I have wolf ears, a wolf tail, sharp nails, sharp teeth, and Icy blue eyes. People often refer to my eyes as 'God Eyes'. Anyways, I also have inhuman strength, speed, smell, and hearing. I'm a class A hero ranked at 2. I made it to the seen and saw this guy standing over my brother who was almost dead!!! I growled and took off so fast you couldn't see me! I punched this guy straight across the face. He went flying and landed in a building and made it explode. I asked frantically "Brother are you okay??" He groaned but nodded... There was blood all in his white fur and he was pretty banged up. I growled and stood up as I heard that guy getting up. I appeared in front of him and gripped the collar of his shirt and slammed him against the wall and growled "You almost killed my brother!!!" He asked growling "Who are you?" I huffed "Class A hero rank 2. Junk Yard Dog. And you've made me angry!" I Threw him and made him go crashing into another building. I growled "One thing people should learn is to never piss off a Junk Yard Dog." I bared my sharp teeth. He came flying towards me and I recognized his fighting style as that of Silver Fangs... I ducked and grabbed his wrist and stomped my foot to his back and made a crater as his body slammed to the ground. I turned his arm back with my foot on his back and pulled it back so tightly I could break it. I growled "I'm good friends with silver fang idiot. I know every inch of his fighting style." He growled in pain and I growled "Your that hero hunter I've been hearing of, aren't you?" He smirked "So you know me?" I rolled my eyes "I know of you. The A class hero's have been waiting for you to pick one of us so we can kill you and smash you like an insignificant bug." His eyes wide and I sighed letting my foot off his back "But I give everyone a chance to live. So go on before I kill you." I let his arm go and walked back to my brother and picked him up in my arms seeing as he was already unconscious. He asked "Your going to let me go??" I nodded and said "I give mercy before I take a life. So if you decide to try and fight someone I care about again. Pray to God that I don't find you." I held up a piece of his shirt "Sadly I will always be able to find you because now I have you scent. So if you do something. To provoke me, I will find you. And I will kill you." I turned and began walking away and went to the hospital. I let them take my brother away and sighed. I pulled the black cloth out that I tore from that guys shirt and smelled it. He smelled good, but now I have his scent permanently. I walked out of the hospital and went to some food place and sat down at a table and the owners began to fawn over me saying it was an honor to have me. I looked at the menu as my wolf ears turned in different ways like radar dishes to pick up information. I heard the door open and sniffed the air. I huffed slightly as I smelt that guy who attacked my brother today. My waitress came back and I placed my order and got more tea. My tail swished from side to side as I waited. Suddenly that guy came closer to me and asked "What are you doing here?" I growled at him "Hunting fucking tigers, what's it look like I'm doing?? I'm eating." He sat down across from me and I glared at him "What are you doing?" He shrugged smirking slightly "I never got your actual name." I said drinking my tea "You will address me by my hero name, Junk Yard Dog." He huffed "Well I'm Garou. Hero hunter." I rolled my eyes and asked "Getting you know your enemy before you strike them??" He shook his head "No." I rolled my eyes and my order came around. I began to eat as he said "You eat a lot for such a small girl." I growled "I have DNA of a wild wolf mixed with mine. Of course I eat a lot. With how much energy I put out today I need to eat more." He chuckled and said "Then let me get you another bowl?" I pursed my lips... My human side says fuck off, but my animal side says yes please.... My ears went back as I huffed "Fine." He smirked and ordered another two bowls. They came along and I began eating one while he ate the other. He seemed to be in the talking mood as he was trying to find things I liked and what not. He asked "So what happens when you let your animal side take over?" I shrugged "I don't listen to anyone and kinda just do my own thing..." He nodded then said suddenly "You know, your one of the prettier things to be created by Dr. Genus." My ears went up as I looked at him surprised. I asked tilting my head to the side like a confused puppy "Are you attempting to charm me?" His face began to get a bit red and he said "Uh, well..." I rolled my eyes and stood up. He followed me out and I said "Well being part wolf I have pack members and you aren't one of them so understand when I say my animal side wants to attack you." He chuckled "Really?" I nodded "Outsider." He asked "Even if I do this??" I felt his hand behind me ear and he began to scratch that spot! I leaned towards him more seeing at that felt very good... I growled and smacked his hand away and complained "Stop it!!!!" He chuckled and we kept walking... It was night time... I looked at him slightly and stepped closer to him and asked "Can you do it again??" He began to smirk but did so and my tail began to wag... He chuckled and said "We should hang out more." I huffed "Maybe." I came to my house and grabbed my keys and began to unlock the door and Garou said in a joking manner "No kiss?" I smirked, pay back. I pulled him forward and crashed my lips into his. This completely took him by surprise. He began to kiss back and put his hands on my hips. I pulled away and opened my door. I huffed at him "That was my human side." He looked dazed and then asked "C-Can we go out again sometime??" I shrugged "Find me when I'm not working." He grinned but nodded and I closed me door. Full humans are so odd.

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