Kisame x Oc

271 7 15

Man I need to get more diverse with my one shots. BUT I HAVE SUCH GOOD IDEA'S FOR THESE SPECIFIC CHARACTERS!!!

I sighed walking in the halls down to my locker. Just another boring ole day in hell, oh, excuse me. I meant school. I exchanged books and began to make my way towards class. I heard shout and laughing and turned down the hall I usually go to. I saw a kid name Kisame get shoved against the wall roughly and one of the guys on the football team yelled at him "Your such a freak you know that?!" From what I understood Kisame had a rare genetic for his skin and hair. So he didn't look as normal as the rest of us. I said "Hey guys can you lay off?" The said football play looked at me and huffed "Aw! Why??" I grunted "Because it's against school rules to bully another student and plus it makes you look like an asshole." He started "But Jay!-" his head jerked to the the side and I put my hand down and I said glaring slightly "Your already a stupid person. Don't make yourself look any more stupid and get to class now. Do I make myself clear??" He grunted "Come on guys! Let's go." He rubbed the spot on his face where I struck him... I huffed and glanced at Kisame and said harshly "Your strong enough to take them. Try to stand up for yourself." He stared up at me and I rolled my eyes and kept walking... School was pretty boring and all and I ended up going home and listening to my parents argue and all... This was normal because I've had a bad family life since I was a kid. And yes, I occasionally had to break up physical fights between my mother and father. Finally I got tired of it and grabbed my car keys and walked out me shut the door. I started my car up, it was night time and it was cold enough to where you could see your breath. But only so cold that you just had to wear a light hoodie. I began to drive in the empty roads of the town I lived in. On nights like this I need Taco Bell... I turned to and entered a bridge that I had to go over to get to my said beloved food. Something caught my eye though. I looked slightly and saw that blue skin that could only possibly belong to Kisame. WAS HE STANDING IN THE EDGE OF THE BRIDGE?!? I slammed on my breaks and skidded to a halt!!! I bolted out of my car and I saw Kisame leaning forward getting ready to fall and kill himself and I jumped up to the railing and wrapped my arms around his torso and used just purely my leg strength to swing back over and threw him to the ground!!! I got up yelling "WHAT HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!?" I paced around as he sat up and looked at me genuinely surprised. I looked at him and said "How could you do something so reckless?! So stupid?!" He yelled suddenly "Why do you even care?!?" I stopped and listened to him "Everyday I get bullied! My parents are embarrassed of me!!! Everyone hates me! And even if you stop them from hurting me, you look at me with such hate and disgust!!!" He was really broken... I sighed "Kisame... I'm not looking at you with hate and disgust, I'm looking at your bullies like that. Whenever I see them being mean to you it always puts me in a bad mood. Plus I just want you to stand up for yourself, I know your this nice kind hearted guy... But sometimes violence is the answer... None of my hate is directed toward you." He growled "Don't pity me... It only makes me feel more pathetic then I already am!!! Why did you even save me?? No one wants me around... Everyone thinks I'm disgusting...." I walked over to him quietly and plopped down right beside him on the road... I sighed "You know... I can sorta relate to you..." He grunted "Yeah right..." I shrugged and said talking about my feelings for once "Well... My life is just as shitty as yours." He said growling "Everyone adores you at school-" I snapped "You think I give a fuck about people in school?!" He went very quiet and I huffed putting my knees up to my chest and crossing my arms on top of them "My family is a disaster.... My dad is a drunk who spends all his money on alcohol and whores, my mom is literally drowning herself in her own work and refuses to come home, and on the nights that were all actually together it's nothing but constant fighting. They don't ask me about my day... I've never had a mom to sing me to sleep. Never had a dad to teach me how to ride a bike, When ever I'd fall and scape my knees I didn't have a loving parent to come and pick me up and clean my wounds... I've always just been by myself. I've never been loved like all these other kids have, it makes me jealous and envious when I'm at soccer practice and I see all the parents cheering on their daughters and no one is up there cheering for me..." I glared hatefully at the ground... Kisame asked "I thought you had a brother?" I snorted "I do. But you know what he did?? He left our hell hole of a house, said he hated all of us, and said that I was nothing but a pathetic little mistake and that I was the one that ruined our family... I whole heartedly believe that's true... He always told me everything was fine before I came along... But I didn't ask to be born. Idiots should have used protection. And then I wouldn't be alive in this worthless place..." Kisame was calmed down now and he chuckled "You know... That may be the most I've heard you talk..." I huffed "So what?" He shrugged "Well usually you don't talk to anyone and the really secretive with everything. Now I know why." I shrugged "I don't tell anyone about my problems because it's none of their business. Whatever is going on in my head, I can deal with by myself. I don't need anyone. I haven't needed anyone for 17 years of my life..." He hummed "I wish I was as strong as you..." I sighed "Hm, you got it a lot harder then I do though..." He shrugged... I leaned against his shoulders "Wanna be lonely sad sacks together??" He chuckled slightly "What??" I nodded and sat up smiling for once "Yeah! We're both lonely, both of us got no friends, we're both pretty depressed and over all a big mess! So let's ignore our problems until they eat us alive!" He started laughing and we both began laugh and then I slapped him and yelled "Don't let me catch you trying to kill yourself again! Do you here me?!" He rubbed his cheek "Fine!!! I'm sorry!!!" I huffed and noticed how cold his skin was. I wiggles out of my over sized hoodie and held it out to him "Here. You seem cold." He asked "Won't you be cold??" I shook my head "Nah, I radiate heat. So don't sweat it!" He put it on and seemed oddly happy and cozy... And kinda cute... I stood up and held my hand out "How about we go hit up Taco Bell?? It's on me!" He smiled and took my head and nodded "Yeah!" We got into my car and I drove there... We got out of my car and I noticed a lot of the football players. I walked up to the counter and placed my order. Kisame placed his and suddenly kisame's main bully asked me "Jay?? Why the heck are you here with him??" I shrugged "We got into some shit and decided to hit up Taco Bell real quick." He glared at Kisame "What's he wearing your jacket for?? Is he like your boyfriend or something??" I glared "Bitch he might be! And if I catch you or any of your hoe friends over there giving him any problems imma come to your house and cut your dick off! Do I make myself clear?!" He looked at me surprised and muttered and okay and walked away with all of his friends muttering about me. Me and Kisame left after getting out food and he said "You can be a real gangster you know that?" I shrugged "I hate when people mess with my friends." Kisame smiled and I parked on a cliff that out looked the city... I chuckled and said holding up my soda "Here's to being one half idiots!" He chuckled as he bumped his soda with mine in cheers "Hey! Two halves of idiots make one whole idiot!" We both began laughing and I said "Well I'm glad that your the other half." He smiled and said "I am too."

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