Gender Rolls: Sousuke Yamazaki x OC

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Lemon is included.
I sighed looking at my body in the mirror I had... No doubt I had gained weight. Sousuke came up behind me "I think you look fine..." I sighed and kissed "Thank you..." He asked leaning up "You don't believe me?" I shook my head "No not that, is just ya know, me being a girl and all that's just how I am naturally." He chuckled "Men and woman are so different. Girls are much more complicated." I huffed "Well guys are complicated too." He chuckled "But not as much." I complained "I wish for just one day that we could switch genders!" Sousuke snickered "Cool I'd have boobs." I glared "And if you were a girl you'd see how hard it is being a girl." He hummed "Guys got it hard too." I huffed "Not as bad." He rolled his eyes and I said pointing at him "Boy you better not be rolling those eyes at me." He brought me down and kissed me "Shush." I complained getting up "No! I'm gonna be difficult! I'll see you tomorrow!" He pouted as I walked out of his dorm and I smirked... I took a route through the park and saw the fountain all lit up. I took a quarter out from my pick and flicked it into the pool snickering "I wish we could switch genders just for one day..." I heard the coin hit and I continued on my way home and yawned as I got really tired really fast, I fell onto my bed not even bothering to change and fell asleep.

[Time skip]
I heard a furious banging on my door down stairs and an unfamiliar female voice yell "JAY! GET OUT HERE!!!" I yawned and stood up.... I walked down stairs and I opened the door "Excuse me?" The female was shorter then me, had long black hair braided to the side and wore clothes that were way too big for her. I blinked "Who are you?" She yelled at me "Who the hell are you?! And why are you in My girlfriends house?!" I said "What?? Your girlfriend dude, I'm the only one that lives here." She took in a breath "Do you know where Jay post is?!" I raised an eyebrow "I am Jay post." Her eyes widen and she yelled putting her hands on either side of my face "Oh my god!!! Jay?!? Your a boy now?!?" I said "What??" She dragged me into my house and ignored all my complaining and shoved me into the bathroom seemingly to already know me house. She flicked on the light and I said "Hey! You the hell do you-...." I went dead silent as I saw my reflection... I reached up to my head that now long had long thick curly hair, instead i had all the sides of my head cut really short and the top was long and parted to the left side... I HAD THE FUCKBOY HAIR CUT!!!! My face was more boyish, I was taller, and damn did I have more muscle. I took off my shirt and grabbed my chest and complained "My boobs!!!" The girl asked "That's what your mad about??" I looked at her and saw her teal colored eyes "Wait.... Sousuke?!" He-She!? Laughed and nodded "Yes." I sighed and grabbed him "Come on, my clothes will fit you." I brought her up to my room and said "Here! My favorite outfit! Oh! Wait!" She paused and I pinched her nipple "You got head lights. Take a bra and underwear." She actually got a bit red as I did that and she asked "Aren't you going to leave??" I shook my head "Sousuke, I've seen a lot more female naked then you have. Man up and change." She sighed turning her back to my and pulled off the shirt and pants she was wearing. She pulled on the under wear and held up the bra... I grinned "Need help??" Sousuke blushed "Yes..." I chuckled and wakes over and helped her into the said item. I also fixed the underwear. She pulled on the other clothes and I said "Now! Time for make up!" Sousuke said "What!? No! I look fine!" I shook my head "Nope, an important part of looking good is make up. Now sit still!" I applied just natural make up to his now girly face and chuckled "Beautiful!!!" She looked in the mirror and stared at herself. She complained "Now time for you. Here, I know you have some of my clothes here." She went digging in my closet and then grabbed some blue jeans with a white v-neck shirt and boots. I huffed and pulled of my pants since I already too off my shorts. I said patted my stomach "Damn! I got abs now! That shit is tight!" Sousuke complained "Hurry up." I pulled on his old pants and shirt and then socks and boots and female Sousuke nodded in approval. I smiled "Let's go out!" I tugged her along grabbing my wallet and phone. She blushed "People are looking at me." I nodded "That because the men think you look pretty. You'll get used to it just like I did." I took her hand smiling. We continued to walk around and Sousuke got a lot of attention much to my displeasure. Speaking of which- "Excuse me, this is my girlfriend and you need to back off." The guy huffed and did so. Sousuke complained "We were just talking." I rolled my eyes "You'd get raped in 10 seconds flat if I wasn't around." She huffed and suddenly a girl came up to me and started talking and feeling me up... Sousuke glared "Hey! What do you think your doing with my boyfriend??" The other girl got scared and said a quick sorry and ran off. Sousuke huffed and sat back with me making me chuckle kiss her. Female Sousuke went bright red and I laughed more. Eventually we went back to my house and Sousuke sighed as we sat on the couch "Maybe you had a point when you said his bad girls got it." I chuckled "Don't worry, guys have their bad points too." She hugged me and I bushes feeling her boobs against me... I said "Hey Sousuke??" She looked up at me and I asked "Can we have sex??" She screamed "WHAT?!" I nodded "Yeah! Come on!!! It'll be fun!!!" She blushed and muttered "Why?? This is weird." I chuckled "I don't wanna force you but it's a once and a life time opportunity." She blushed heavily looking around and muttered "Yeah okay..." I picked her up and trotted up the stairs "Yay! I get to fuck you for once!!!" She glared and I opened my bed room door and set her into the bed and got on top of her and began kissing her. She kissed back and I grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head, she blushed and I just "Sousuke I still love you in any form you take." She smiled "I love you too." I took off her bra and kissed down her chest. I squeezed one and pinched her nipple while I licked the other one and she let out a small moan. I sat up and grabbed shorts and underwear and pulled them both off "Never thought I'd be doing this." Sousuke blushed "We can stop..." I chuckled "Do you want to stop??" She shook her head and I grinned "Then I won't." I bent down opened her legs and slowly locked up her core. Teased her with the tip of my tongue and she let out a moan and twitched slightly... I assume I was doing good because her moans became more frequent. She tangled her hand into my hair "J-Jay! No! Stop! I'm going to cum!!" I kept going and pushed one finger into her and began to pump it into her and she moaned even more... I felt her tighten around my finger and she came! I chuckled "Aw, your so cute when you cum." She blushed and I stood up taking off my shirt and pants and my boxers came off too. Surprisingly Sousuke immediately came forward on her stomach... She took my... Uh, newly found member. She giggled "Your already this hard??" I blushed "Like I said, I love you any way you look." She took me into her mouth and I began to pant... This felt good... I let out a groan and she suddenly deep throated me and I came with a Yelp!!! Sousuke sat up wiping her mouth and I complained "Not cool." She shrugged "It's what you did to me." I pushed her back and said "Well, now I get to take your virginity!" I opened his legs and I said "Tell me to stop if it hurts to much." Sousuke started "How bad could it be-OW!" I pushed into her and she went "Ow ow! Shit!!!" I finished and said holding her legs "Are you okay??" She nodded as tears pricked her eyes... She took a breath "Okay, new found respect for when I took your virginity and you let out a simply breath." I chuckled and slowly started to thrust in and out of Sousuke's female body. Sousuke began to become a moaning mess, she begged "J-Jay, please go faster." She hooked her arms around my neck and shoulder and I put my hands to the bed and began to go faster. She moaned louder and at some points I thought she was gonna cry. She said suddenly stopping me out of breath "I-I wanna ride it." I chuckled and picked her up and switched places with her "Sousuke this position is even hard for me, so if you get tired just say so." I started to get hot as she rubbed her wet clit against my member teasingly slow.... I panted slightly and she sat up a little and pushed herself down onto me. She began to move her hips and I helped slightly with my hands on her hips. I let out a moan and she took my hand and pushed them to her breast and I began to pinch and play with them as she ride me. I turned her around and pinned her down onto her stomach and pushed into her. Sousuke yelped "H-Hey? Your being rough." I shrugged "Sorry, I really can't help myself right now." I grabbed her wrist and pulled her arms back and I thrusted into her from behind really fast and really hard. She was almost screaming, I felt her tighten around me and she came with loud groan and I slammed into her and groaned as I came... I let out a sigh in relief and said letting her go "Sorry, I don't know what came over me." She turned and kissed me "It's okay. That felt great..." I chuckled and pulled her down with me and sighed as she easily feel asleep. I kissed her forehead and went to sleep hugging her body close to mine...

[Le morning after]
I took in a breath as sun light hit my face... God last night was great... I could get used to being a boy... I put my hand to my chest to scratch it but it felt softer! And squishy!!! I sat up feeling my chest to find my girls!!! I looked down and saw no dick! Just vagina!!!!! I tugged on my now long thick curly hair and grinned. IM A GIRL AGAIN!!! I looked to my side seeing Sousuke and in his male form again! I kissed him awake and he groaned "Jay??" I chuckled "Yep." He sat up and looked at me and hugged me closer "We're normal again..." I chuckled and hugged him back too... I grinned "Still, I fucked you pretty good last night." He began to blush and I got up and put on my bra and underwear and leaned forward and kissed him "Don't worry, I leaned from the best." He chuckled and kissed me and then tugged me down "But let me teach you a lesson about being rough." He looked over me and I squeaked "Ohhhh noooo..."

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