Prussia x Reader.

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I sat at the table with a bored expression on my face. I was (C/n), a rather new country. Yet I still grew strong very fast. Especially since Russia tried to conquer me but I beat him into the ground. This caught the attention of the other countries and they recognized me as a country... The meeting came to order and we talked about different things, mostly just America fighting with everyone. Oh well, after the meeting ended Germany called out "(C/n, may I speak to jou?" I nodded slightly and stopped walking as he came up to me "Vould jou be interest in making an alliance?" I thought about it for a moment "Depends on what I get." He nodded "Yes, of course. How about hour come to my home and we can talk about the details there?" I nodded "Okay. See you tomorrow  at 10 am." He nodded "Right." I kept walking with a heavy sigh... Can't I just sleep?

[Time skip]
I stepped out of the car and looked at Germany's house... It's too cold here... I walked up to the door and knocked on the door... After a few moments the door opened and Germany stood there in his uniform. He nodded "(C/n. Velcome, Zhis way." I nodded and followed him to the living room where we both sat and had coffee with some German snacks. We began speaking back and forth about our alliance and just when we were about to come to an agreement "West!!!" We both turned and Germany's face went blank and then embarrassed slightly as A man came down wearing a big baggy shirt that was black and his... Boxers... He looked like he just woke up. I asked looking at the male "Who is this man living with you?" The guy heard this and spotted me. He yelled storming up to me "I am the great and powerful Prussia! I am awesome!!!" I blinked boredly unfazed by him. Germany yanked him back "Excuse us for one moment (C/n)!" He yanked the male out of the room and I sat quietly as I heard them yelling at each other. I sipped my coffee while keeping my eyes to the floor. Prussia huh? I had heard stories about him from Spain. From what I've heard he used to be quite powerful... Used to be. I think now he's only kept around for cultural purposes. Germany came back in and spoke to me apologizing for everything. I shrugged it off and continued to talk about our alliance. Eventually we settled everyone and all. I stood up nodding "For now consider me an ally and I'll help you in anyway I can." He nodded "Zhank you." I nodded again and began walking out. I opened the door and Prussia fell back as the door hit him. I towered over him and he stared up at me blushing like a silly school girl. I looked at him still unimpressed "Prussia." I turned walking towards the door as Germany have him a slight glare. I nodded towards Germany "I'll be back tomorrow with my things." Germany nodded "Until then." I nodded. See in our agreement we found that it was better if I lived with Germany like Italy and Japan did. So tomorrow this will be my new home... Ugh, so cold here though.


I walked up to the house with my suit case and a bag of my back. I knocked glaring at the snow and Italy opened the door hugging me "(C/n)!!! I'm-a so glad to see you! It's nice to have a pretty lady around!" I nodded patting his back "Nice to see you too Italy." He pulled my inside and showed me to my room. He then dragged me around the house, as he showed me around an annoying voice yelled "You! Why are you here again?!?" Italy smiled "Ah! Prussia! This is (C/n! She-a will be living here now!" Prussia's face went blank and I rolled my eyes. After a couple days I got settled in and even worked out with Germany. I was sitting the floor with Italy painting with him. I was painting a flower, it looked really good and I wanted to keep it. Prussia suddenly came in and began boasting about himself. He complained "Hey! Pay attention to me! I am zhe awesome Prussia!" I brushed him off "Go away." He started stomping around and suddenly knocked over the glass of muddy water onto my painting!!! I yelled standing up "Prussia!!!" He stopped and Italy patted my shoulder "Bella! Calm down!!!" I gave a harsh glare towards Prussia and stomped off "He can clean that stupid ass mess." I continued to walk off and slammed my door shut. All that hard work on something decent... And he had to go and ruin it. On top of that he never stopped being loud, annoying, and a selfish idiot! I shook my head "Stupid Prussia."

[Months later]
My phone started ringing and I picked it up "Hello?" Germany's voice sounded out "hello? (C/n) I was just calling to say that the snow is preventing Italy, Japan, and I from getting back home. Ve're going to get a hotel. Please don't kill Gilbert." I shrugged "No promises. He's annoying, stupid, and kinda soft in the head." Germany sighed "(Y/n), please try to take it easy on him. He means vell."  I sighed "Yeah sure whatever. Make sure that you guys are safe okay?" He hummed to the phone "Alright, goodbye." I hung up and went back to reading my book... The snow grew worse outside and suddenly the power went out! I grunted standing up. I went to the window... Everything was covered in white. I walked past the stair case as Prussia came down yawning "Hey, vhat zhe hell is going on." I said not sparing a glance "The power went out and were snowed in." I opened the back door since there was a roof over the Patio and snow wasn't blocking this door. I opened it and Prussia asked "Don't jou need a coat??" I shrugged "No." I walked to the stack of fire wood and grabbed logs and went back and forth to the fire place until I had enough wood. I started a fire and sighed as I felt the cold now. Prussia sat by the fire as I walked to the kitchen getting some bread that France gave to me not long ago saying it was really good. I walked back to the fire place and saw Prussia had gotten a bunch of blankets and pillows so he could sit there comfortably. He noticed me and patted he seat next to himself "Sit with me frua."

To be continued...

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