Under-classmen sasori x Upper-classmem reader

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Sasori sighed sitting in in seat next to Deidara. English was so boring... The overly peppy teacher said smiling "I think the artist of our class will be excited for our next project! It will be an assignment to draw or make your own Greek God!" The class started murmuring. She pulled out a poster "Here's one of the best ones that a student of mine submitted last year!" Everyone in the whole class looked in awe, the God was Athena and my lord did she look beautiful... It was so well drawn and it was even worth being preserved by the teacher. The teacher giggled "After you all submit your work, this one will be retired and hug up on the wall of fame in the schools gallery!" A knock sounded at the door and a girl was standing there. The teacher smiled "Oh! There she is now!" Sasori sat up a little as the girl walked in, she was in fact older then him. The teacher smiled "This is the student that made that amazing piece of art work! (Y/n) (L/n)!" The class started to applaud for her and she walked over to the post and chuckled "It's been a while since I've seen that thing!" The teacher nodded "Still as amazing as ever!" She chuckled and asked looking around the room, Sasori actually lost his breath as she looked at him briefly. What? Why is he doing this?? He doesn't even know her.... "Do you think you have any promising artist in this class??" The teacher smiled and said "Actually! I do! I'd like you to meet Deidara and Sasori! They are two of the best artist in the class!" (Y/n) asking coming up to their desks "Have either of you been advanced enough  to make it to Visual Art I?" Deidara spoke for Sasori "Yeah!!! Next semester we'll be able to take Art II!!" She smirked "Well, I look forward to supervising you in Art I. And if you prove to be worth knowing we might be friends in art II." Sasori asked "Y-Your a Student Aid?" She nodded "That's right freshie. And I get to pick who I want to take under my wing. So I'll be back after you turn in your Greek god project to see if your qualified to be chosen. I'll be keeping and eye on both of you." They both nodded and the teacher went to accept a call. (Y/n) bent down smirking and said in a low and challenging tone that sent shivers down Sasori's spine "Don't disappoint me Boys." They both nodded and she stood back up chirping "WELP! I gotta get back to class! Bye!" She exited the class and Sasori literally wanted to explode.... She'll be watching him, he HAS to win that place as her pupil!!! He turned his head and Deidara was smirking at him while leaning on his hand "Someone's got a thing for an upper-class men!" Sasori smacked his arm out from under him and Deidara face slammed into the desk and Sasori huffed...

[Time Skip]
Sasori's fingers tapped impatiently on his desk... He turn in his Greek assignment a week ago and still received no answer... The bell rang and he sighed and got up. Sasori walked out and went to his locker. Suddenly a fiver tapped his shoulder, he turned around and (Y/n) was standing before him! She looked very pretty today, he mentally huffed She looks amazing and pretty every day. She was the average cool girl, she was friends with everyone, she was captain of the soccer team, she was the best artist anyone had ever seen with any art style! She said catching his attention "So I viewed over your art submission Sasori and I have to say, your directions is very different, submitting something and no one has ever done before is a very risky move." Sasori said trying to not let his nervousness show "I like carving things a lot, puppets included." She chuckled "The puppet of Athena you turned is was very Different, very detailed, and over all very acceptable, but being different is difficult..." He frowned but she smiled "But it's like a breath of fresh air, I loved the piece you submitted and I'd like to congratulate you on proving that if anyone deserves that spot it's you. In addition to your Art I class, you'll be in the art club and your 30 minute skinny block will be changed to art so that I may teach you as much as possible. Understood?" He nodded feeling overwhelmingly happy but didn't show it. She nodded down at him "See you later Sasori." She walked away and he instantly went "Fuck yeah." And nodded to himself in satisfaction. Through the next weeks he spent a lot of time with her and he learned much about her but she treated him like a student, like a child. It made him angry! He wanted to be her equal! One day he was playing basketball with Kakuzu... He asked as he caught the ball "Hey kakuzu, you wouldn't happen to know a girl in your grade named (Y/n) would you?" Kakuzu huffed "You kidding? Of course I know her, she helps me run the snack store and manage the money. We good friends. Aren't you her student or something." He nodded "Yeah, but I don't want her to see me that way." Kakuzu caught the ball "Wait, don't tell me you have a crush on your mentor." Sasori asked "So what if I do?? She's only One year older then me. I don't see the problem." Kakuzu sighed shooting the ball "Well the problem is, anyone who knows her, knows she rarely dates under class men. She finds the majority of your grade annoying and disrespectful. Your going to really have to prove yourself to her." Sasori nodded slightly and Kakuzu said "Also, don't be a coward towards her. She's told me anyone who's scared to tell them how they feel is a coward and she wouldn't date them." Sasori nodded "Got it."

[Big Time Skip]
It was the second term now and Sasori was still learning from Jay. But now they were classmates instead of her being his teacher. He walked into his knee class with Deidara and Jay waved then over "Hey guys! Come sit with us!!!" Deidara fawned "Man! It's so great the we got buddy-buddy with Jay! We look so cool being friends with her!" They walked over and Deidara sat by her blonde haired friend who was rather intimidating and Sasori quickly took his chance to sit by her. She nudged him "Now we're gonna be working on the same stuff Sasori! Think you can square up with me??" Sasori remember that Kakuzu said she didn't like cowards... Sasori smirked at her "Of course I can keep up with you." She seemed surprised by his confidences but smiled nodding her head slightly "Good, prove that your my equal." Sasori nodded... Through the months he did exactly that, making things that impressed her. Being confident towards her. Through everything Sasori only like her much more. He also discovered her perverted side that she only showed to good friends, this made him happy knowing he was now a close friend of her. The bell rang once again and he made his way out of the class and saw (Y/n) leaning against the wall, she smiled once she saw him and pushed off. She waited for him?? She greeted him and they started walking down the hall... Sasori took a breath, now it's time for the moment of truth. All he's worked for comes down to this point. He turned to her "(Y/n)?" She looked down at him smiled "Yeah what's up??" He asked nervous as hell "I was wondering if you wanted to go see a movie with me tonight? As in a date!" Damn it! He sounded too desperate and eager! She smiled brightly at him "I'd love too! Do you want me to come pick you up?! I just got my drivers license so it's no problem!" Sasori nodded "Everything else I'll pay for." She said "Oho! A gentlemen." Sasori nodded and she chuckled "I'll be by your place at 6. Just text me your address." He nodded and she walked off. He yelled for once "Hell yeah!" He went home and got ready for his date. He literally couldn't wait. He made sure to look like the man he was. It was a good thing that Jay was Short for her age and Sasori was actually taller then her. A knock sounded at his door and granny Chio asked "Who's at the door?" Sasori said a bit awkwardly "My... Date." Granny Chio grinned "Have fun~" he sighed and opened the door and his looked to see (Y/n) and she did in fact look stunning when not in the school uniform. She was in a navy blue long sleeves dress that fluffed out at her knees and made her look innocent with white lacy accents on the waist and sleeves.

[Sasori's pov]
She called in "I'll have him back before it gets late! Granny Chio said "Take your time! Sasori is so antisocial, I'm happy he's finally getting out of the house." I felt like dying at this moment. (y/n) snickered and grabbed me and she got into her car and I got into the passenger side. She had a really nice car... I took her out to dinner and took her out to a movie and everything went very well and we actually had a lot of fun. She pulled up back at my house and said "Tonight was really fun. Thank you Sasori." I nodded "It was my pleasure." She chuckled and said "Ya know, it's been a while since an under class men has been able to impress me. But here we are." I chuckled "To be honest I just did it all because I like you so much." She nodded "You hide it very well, being as emotionless as you are. But you impressed me at school and tonight." She leaned forward and kissed Sasori. Sasori set his hands on her hips loving the way her skin felt and how soft she was. He loved her body, he loved her, and all her being. She made him crazy. She pulled away smiled and asked "So does this mean we're dating?" Sasori nodded blushing very bad "Yes." She chuckled and said "Alright, I'll let you get go. See you later! Text me any time." Sasori nodded kissing her again "See you." He left her car and he saw her hold her chest with a very happy look on her face and smiled as she drove off. His hands shot in the air "This is amazing."

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