France x Reader

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France sat in his chair in the meeting room... Ugh.... Today was hard for France. Another day year has passed for France yet he doesn't have the one thing he wants...

A family.

Yes it's true he flirts a lot with everyone including England but he's always wanted to be dedicated to one person, and for one person be dedicated to him. He wanted to have a few little girls and a few little boys. He could teach the boys how to be strong yet passionate men! And he could teach his little girls that they were beautiful and would only grow more beautiful as they grew up. He would jump at the chance to have kids but... Him being a country obviously prevents him from loving a man or woman because he lives so much longer then normal humans.... He wouldn't want to see his kids grow older then he looks and die before him... It broke his heart to be honest... Another meeting was ended and he was in the process of walking out when he saw Canada talking to a beautiful young lady!!! She looked so kind and innocent yet had a confident aura to her. France walked towards them "Oh Canada~" Canada looked and said "H-Hello France!" The girl looked up seeing France. France took her hand and kissed it "May I have the pleasure of know such a beautiful young lady? Ohohoh~" she chuckled "I'm older then you but okay, my name is (Y/n)." France stood up letting go of her hand "Amour I doubt your old then me." She shrugged "I've been on this planet for 5,047 years. How long has France been around?" France looked surprised. She snickered "Anyways Canada, I'll see you later!" She nodded "Mr. France." She turned on her heel making her hair swish slightly and she disappeared down the hall... France asked "Who is she?" Canada shrugged "S-She a close friend I met after the war for my independence...." France asked "She's not a country?" He shook his head "Her family was cursed. So anyone born in her family lives until they don't have anything holding them to earth anymore." France was puzzled by this... Canada chuckled "She said that she finds everyone so beautiful and amazing and loves seeing how people have evolved." France begged "Can you please tell me when she'll be here next?!" Canada sighed "Sure."

[Time skip]
France was looking his best today. (Y/n) was going to be here to observe the countries during the meeting and speaking to their bosses. Once in the said room he spotted the beautiful woman! He took a seat next to her... For the first time ever... He was nervous. What if she doesn't like him?? What if she hits him like England does??? Would she even like France's advancements towards her?? She asked him "Hey your France right?? We met a couple weeks ago." France sat up stifling but tried to play it cool "Right! I remember amour! How could I forget someone as beautiful as you?" She let out a light laugh "Well, you are quite the charmer everyone says you are." France winked "My reputation proceeds me!" She asked "So your just a player orrrr?" France gasped with his hand over his shirt "I am no such thing! I am a kind passionate lover!" She chuckled "Cool. Even if I've been around for a while I've never been good with relationships. Hence forth the reason I still don't have a family." France asked "You want a family?" (Y/n) shrugged "It's a nice thought... What about you?" France smiled "I've been wanting a family for a long time now amour! But being who I am it makes it difficult to have a family and wife." (y/n) nodded "Yeah you got that right. You don't wanna be the one burying the kids..." France nodded and it was silent... He hummed "How about I take you out for dinner tonight??" (Y/n) thought about it and smiled while nodding "Okay mr. France."


Now (Y/n) and France were sitting in a lovely French restaurant. It was in fact very romantic. (Y/n)'s confidence had shrunk slightly but it was still there, France was a little more confident but still had a nervous pit in his stomach. They actually had many things in common! Talking was easy for both of them and they both seemed to enjoy each other. By the end of it they were both a little tipsy and ended up kissing each other, as well as going to France's home, andddd.... Have a rather fun night! France yawned as sun light hit his face... He sat up slightly and looked around and frowned seeing the other side of his bed empty. She left....


France walked into the meeting room with a sigh... Once in there he instantly spotted the woman he had missed this morning! He called out "(Y/n)!" She looked up surprised and then asked "Yeah??" France sat down beside her "Why did you take off this morning amour?" She shrugged "It was just a one night stand wasn't it??" France blinked... Did she think that he was just doing this just to get in her pant?? I mean, it was an added plus but... France liked her, like more then usual. He shook his head... He grabbed her hand "No! To me your more then a one night stand! It was not my intention to simply sleep with you last night! I wanted to get to know you amour!" She blushed "What?!" He nodded "Granted its a bit awkward but... I like you in a different way then how I like everyone else." (y/n) was surprised by this... Someone actually wanted to get to know her?? Plus this person would probably live just as long as she would... She let out a bright smile "Okay France. We can be more then a one night stand." France smiled "Good because I think you really like me and I really like you and we should eventually be together." (Y/n) chuckled "Ay! Maybe one day we can have the family we both desire!" France snickered as all the other countries came in.... France whispered "If things go my way we're going have many kids." I choked on my drink slightly and hit my head on the table.

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