Teacher Madara x reader

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I hummed slightly walking towards my locker. Another slow day at school, Same old same old. I opened my locker and went to grab my books but stopped when I saw a rose there. Oho, a secret admirer! Yay! I smiled slightly and put it down and grabbed my little cacti in a pot I made and designed(Image). I walked towards my American business class and got there before the bell rang. I knocked on the door... I swayed slightly and suddenly it opened with the intimidating Mr. Madara Uchiha! Well intimidating to others. But to me he's amazing! He looked down at me since I was in fact smaller then him. He opened the door wider "Miss (y/n). Lovely to see you." I walked in and said "Hello Mr. Uchiha!" He asked "What brings you to my class room so early? Not that I mind." I shrugged and said holding out the cacti to him "I made you a gift! Since it's close to Christmas and you told me once that you haven't spoken to your friend since he got married and you had a bad past with your family..." He looked surprised but suddenly smiled and took the plants from me... He chuckled "Thank you. I like them very much." I smiled brightly blushing a little "And since you liked the colors red and black and designed the pot with those colors!" He nodded "I noticed. I will put it by my bed on the window seal." I smiled and nodded and the bell rang and I said "Oh! I better get going! I have gym!" He nodded and said "Have a nice day." I nodded and hurried out and covered my fave as I felt very hot!!!

[Time skip]
I hummed sitting in class and drawing on my paper in art... I hummed and felt the urge to pee come on! I got up and took the pass and told the teacher. She let me go and I made my way to the bathroom. The halls were empty and quiet. I hummed to myself happily as I walked but that was short lived when I was suddenly slammed up against the wall!! I groaned slightly and realized it was one of the most popular girls in my school, she was a huge slut. Her friends snickered from behind her and she said "So I heard you gave Mr. Uchiha a gifted some time ago??" She gripped my throat and slammed my head to the wall "Didn't I tell you to back off?? If anyone is gonna get him it's me!" She threw me to the ground and they began to beat me up!!! Suddenly a voice snapped out "Hey!!!" They all jumped and stopped hitting me. Madara yelled at them "To the office! Now!!!" They all ran off and he looked down at me as I coughed and began to get up slightly... He helped me up and said "Come with me." We ended up in his empty class room and he made me sit in his desk chair and he actually had some bandaids and cleaning stuff. I asked "Is it that bad??" He shook his head "You just have a cut on your cheek and eyebrow." I nodded and let him clean them... He huffed "Will your parents be mad?" I shook my head "My parents aren't around ever. They work too much and don't really care about me as long as I pass." He chuckled "So that's why you gifted me." I said looking at him and smiling "Because I didn't want you to feel as alone as I am." He sighed "Your the kindest woman I've met." I shrugged "No one deserves to be alone." He said not looking at me "Why did those girls hurt you?" I shrugged "You have to know by now a lot of girls like you, they got mad that I gave you a gift and began to beat me up..." I poured slightly rubbing my sore cheek. He asked "And you don't see me that way?" I began to get red "Uh, well, ah..." I was dumbfounded by this question. What am I suppose to tell him?! He's my teacher! But I like him a lot! But he's my teacher!!! Marada smiled at me, something he only did to me, "Well, you wanna know a secret?" I said "Ph I am a sucker for secrets." He turned towards me and bent down getting very close to me "I like you." I felt my breath stop and I stuttered "W-What?!" He chuckled "As more then a student. To be honest I could care less if it's wrong. But what matters Is how you feel.... So?" I asked "Are you joking??" He shook his head "Not one bit." He leaned forward and kissed me!!! I went blood red and he pulled away... I put my hands on my face blushing more then I thought I ever could... Madara likes me back!!! I began to have Pervy thoughts and I began to grin cheekily. He said putting his hand on my head "What's with that look??" I shook my head "Nothing! But I like you back too!" He chuckled hugged me "Good, now we can spend Christmas together." I smiled and nodded. He went to get up but I grabbed his tie and pulled him back and kissed him this time! I let go and he chuckled and said "Aggressive?" I said "Hey! Your mine now! And when I'm dating someone hot as fuck, I'm gonna fully enjoy our relationship." He chuckled "Oh trust me, I intend to do the same when we're alone." I began to laugh and then said "O-Oh my..." And turned red again....

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