Sai x Reader (Lemon)

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I groaned slightly as I laid in bed... God being sick sucks. I was fine this morning then I started to feel sick and then I got physically sick and Lady Tusnade said I had to go home and rest until tomorrow. I huffed, I may be sick but I'm still restless. I yawned rolling over to my stomach, suddenly I heard my door open and close?? I turned slightly and saw sai standing there... I asked "How the hell did you get into my house??" He shrugged "The door was unlocked." I sweat dropped and asked "Why are you here anyways?? Don't you have ninja stuff to do? Or at least art stuff??" He shrugged "Naruto told me you were sick and my book said good friends always take care of each other when their sick." I sighed, in a way sai was like a kid... I shrugged "Yeah fine what ever..." He asked "Would you like something to eat??" I shook my head "I'll just put it back up." He said "I brought medicine." I looked and saw the bottle of shit and I hissed as my eyes became slits and my animal side came out "Get that shit away from me." He swear dropped and said "I had a feeling you wouldn't like the liquid... So Sakura have me pills." My eyes went back to normal and I smiled "Much better." He gave me the pills and water and I took them... I felt a little bit better and sai made me some food... I smiled and said "Thank you sai." He nodded and I started eating my food and I saw him grab his sketch pad and pencil but he looked stumped. I asked "What's up??" He shrugged "At the moment I can think of anything I'd like to draw." I scratched the back of my head "Uh, well I've been meaning to ask if you could do me a favor..." He looked up at me "What is it?" I shrugged and then smiled "Well, your a really good artist and I was wondering if you could draw me a tattoo that I can get?" He asked "You want a tattoo?" I nodded "Yeah! I want something on my back! So you can make it big or small! And then when your done on paper your can see how it lays out on my back and paint it on!" He looked surprised and I said a bit frantic "T-That is! Only if you want too! I'm not saying you have too! I just think it'll be fun!" I felt my face heating up and sai smiled "Alright. But I need you to take a shower first. The oils on skin don't mix well with paint." I nodded smiling "Yeah sure! But, uh, Naruto broke my bathroom down when he was here last time and I never got around to fixing it. So no peeking alright? Or else you will die." He laughed a bit nervously "I won't." I nodded and got my clothes and a towel and went to the bathroom. I turned on the water and made sure Sai wasn't peeking at me... I mean the guy doesn't have any emotion. So it's unlikely he would try to see me naked. I undressed and got into the shower... I hummed washing and making sure to scrub my back and clean every part of myself. Every part. I sighed rolling up my hair and squeezing the water out... I felt this strange feeling but shrugged it off and continued to wash. I hummed and shut off the water and put my towel around me and dried up. I put my clothes on and walked out seeing sai scribbling away on his paper... I chuckled and dried my hair. After a moment sai said "I'm ready to paint now." I nodded "Okay. Turn around." He titled his head in confusion and I chuckled "I have to take off my shirt." His eyes widen a bit and his pale skin began to turn pink and he turned around "Of course!" I took off my shirt and bra and laid on my bed and made sure to get my hair out of the way and everything. I said "Okay!" He nodded turning around and I sighed closing my eyes as he brought his stuff over to me. He set down his sketch pad and I looked at it and said "Oh that's cool! I like that one!" He chuckled "I hopped you would." I smiled and shivered slightly as I felt the cold paint touch my back. I sighed and let him do his thing... He said "Hold on. I need to go get some water and a rag." I nodded slightly and he went to my kitchen... I grabbed his sketch book and turned to the front and began to look through his sketches... I flipped to one and my eyes widen and I felt heat rush to my ears and cheeks... I freaking knew he was watching!!! He had sketched out me, naked, I mean-Seriously- I am full frontal in this picture. He even drew the water droplets going down my skin and face as I curled my hair up to ring it out... I'm not gonna lie... I look damn good... I flipped back to the tattoo sketch and set it back in its place as he came back into the room. Sai.... Saw me naked... I pursed my lips slightly... He continued to paint on my back and I asked "Hey sai?? Do you have feelings for anyone??" He titled his head "What do you mean?" I hummed "Ya know, do you have someone in mind that you wanna marry and have kids with one day?? You've had to of read about that somewhere in those books of yours..." He chuckled "Oh yes I have. But I don't know what it is to like someone like that?" I shrugged "It's not hard... When your around that person you get all shy and nervous and you can feel it in your stomach. The. Your mind goes fuzzy when they smile or even talk to you and your seem to say the stupidest things because of what they do to you..." He paused and said "Oh... Then yes I have found someone like that." I raised an eyebrow "Who??" He hummed "The book I read said not to say anything because it might make things awkward and the said person might not talk to me again." I shrugged slightly "Reasonable." After a few more minutes I asked as I turned the page of his sketch book to the picture he drew of me "So mind explaining?" His cheeks got red and he dropped his paint brush and instantly dropped to the floor and bowed to me "Im sorry! I was just curious!" I raised an eyebrow "Why?" He looked up at me as the blush spread to his ears "I've never seen a woman's body like that before..." I chuckled and said "Well thanks for making me look pretty." He shrugged "That's just the way you look... Your always pretty." I smiled "Thanks sai." He suddenly pulled me up and I covered my chest "Hey!" He asked "Is there really any need still to hide yourself from me?" I huffed sassily "Bitch there might be!" He sighed and said "The person I felt all those things around that you mentioned earlier... It's you." I pursed my lips "Well then..." He asked "Do you... Feel the same way?" I felt heat move to my face again and said "Well I'd be lying if I said I only saw you as a friend sai..." He grabbed my wrist and said "Then let me see you." He pulled my arms away from my chest and I felt like I was on fire... He looked up at me and leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back and he dragged his hands down my sides making me shiver slightly. He pulled off his shirt and got over me and pushed me down, he kissed down my chest and just felt my body in which ever way he wanted. He sat up and pulled off my shorts and everything....he took off his pants and asked "Is this okay with you?? I read that you must always give consent first." I nodded "Of course it's okay." He nodded and pushed into me, I complained slightly at the bleak pain I'm feeling. He began to move back and forth and I gripped his shoulders as he thrusted into me. I let out a quiet moan "Sai..." He huffed "You feel amazing!" And gripped his shoulders tighter and bit into his shoulder making him growl and I curled my toes up slightly and then I felt a rush of wariness flush over my body and I moaned... I could tell he was holding back a big... I gripped the back of his hair and whispered while kissing his temple "Sai, you've pleased me, now do whatever you want with me." He nodded and I kissed him as he began to go faster making me moan louder...he growled as he stopped and came... He gripped the sheets on either side of my body... He grabbed my roughly and kissed me in a needy way, I kissed back and chuckled "So does this mean we're together now?" He nodded "Of course." I smiled and he suddenly hugged my closely as the door opened and Naruto said coming in "Hey (Y/n)-chan! I heard sai had come over and figured you could use another friend-..........." His face went blank as he saw me and sai... Sai glared at him for once and said "Naruto, you don't have a right to see (Y/n)'s body. So leave. Now." Naruto got really red and blood began to drop out from his nose but he said nothing as he spun around on his heel and marched right out... I began to snicker and sai smiled and kissed me again. He said "Now let's get dressed." I shook my head and pulled him down and pulled the covers over us "No, time for sleep." He hugged me from behind and kissed my neck "I am tired." I chuckled and then fell asleep holding his hand that was on my waist...

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