Canada x Reader

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I sighed walking into the house and taking off my jacket. I heard Mathew huffed "Home late again?" I looked surprised slightly... Mathew never gets angry right off the back... I nodded "Ya, things have been hectic at the work place." He hummed with his arms crossed. I sighed looking up at the ceiling "We can either fight all night or we can go out and eat? Which do you wanna do?" He huffed "We're going to IHOP but we're still gonna settle this problem. We walked out the door as I complained "What problem?! I haven't done anything wrong in the past 48 hours!" We quietly bickered as we walked into town "Don't act so stupid (Y/n)! Things haven't been hectic at work! You've been cheating on me!!!" I stopped looking at him completely shocked but it quickly turned to anger "Where in the fucking hell did you get that god damn notion?! I have been working my fucking tail end off!!!" He rolled his eyes "And you're still lying." I reached out to him sort of hurt he didn't trust me "Matt-" he backed up into the street, not realizing he was in the street "No! Don't touch me. If you don't want to be with me-" I stopped listening to what he was saying as I heard and odd sound, I turned slightly and a blue car came skidding around the corner, it swerved on the rode... a drunk driver most likely. My eyes widen as I realized it was going to hit Matt, who was still bickering at me but was unaware of the danger he was in. I didn't yell, my voice was caught in my throat, I bolted forward and everything in my mind went in slow motion. Matt's expression turned to confused as I grabbed his shirt and swung him out of the way making him tumbling to the side of the rode and before I even knew it the headlights were on me, Matt's expression turned to pure panic... that was the last thing I saw for a moment because the car hit me harshly. I went flying to the ground! I had landed on my back but I was in very bad pain... I stared up at the sky that was painted in colors of Blue, pink, purple and grey... since the sun had just set... I swallowed all the blood in my mouth. My head and upper body was suddenly picked up and I saw Matthew on his phone... he was speaking too fast for me to understand... He hung up and quickly brushed my hair out of my face and I saw blood on his hand. He began to cry "P-Please, don't! I-I can't lose y-you! Help is coming!!" I shakily lifted my hand up and he held it tightly "Matt... I-I don't want you- To think-" I let out a pained breath "I w-was cheating on y-you." I reached slowly to my pocket and pulled out to bloodied up plane tickets and held them up to him... he took them and his eyes widen "Two p-plane tickets? T-To Canada?" I nodded "You... w-were unhappy in America... I-I was always working late... so we could move to y-your home country..." he began to cry even more and I shook my head with a limp swelling in my throat "P-Please don't cry..." my hand went up to his cheek "I-I'll start to cry..." I let out a sniffle as I tears began to burn my eyes... suddenly my vision began to get brights... I let my hand fall suddenly feeling very numb and Matt began to scream my name and hold my tightly but it all faded away...

I hummed happily as I walked around the play ground! I saw all the kids in a group and ran over to get in on what was happening! We were all playing hide and seek!!! I ran to under the slide and crouched down. I heard a twig snap and turned and saw this kid I've never seen before...

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