Naruto x Goddess Reader!

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I sighed slightly sitting in this stupid bubble... Someone trapped me in here using the power of Six tails... I suspect that it's Madara Uchiha judging by the voice. Suddenly those damn chains wrapped around my neck and a spike went through my chest making my eyes widen!!! This isn't the real Madara Uchiha. It's someone posing as him! I growled as the bubble popped and I suddenly couldn't move any more on my own. He was controlling me!!! How dare he?! Does he not know who he's trying to control?! I landed on the ground and growled standing up... I looked in front of me to see ninja... I heard that imposter laugh "Now you all will die." I growled "Imposter! You do not know the forces you are tampering with! When I break free from the petty prison I will give you what you deserve!!!" The blonde kid said "Wait! You aren't a reanimation??" I glared at him "How dare you mistake me for one of those abominations?! I am a god! I am the God of the night! I raise the moon every evening and set it when only my sister asks me too!" The spike pushed farther into my chest making me growl and the blonde huffed "Don't worry God lady! I'll set you free!" I huffed "A mere mortal??" Suddenly a deep chuckle sounded out 'He's not a mere mortal (Y/n)...' My eyes widen "Kyūbi?!! Are you seal in side that mortal?!" He huffed 'I am. The hidden leaf seal me in him as a child. His name is Naruto.' I growled "Naruto..." His eyes widen... I huffed "You have my beloved pet seal inside of you??" The human in a green suit asked "Pet?!" I nodded "The sage of six paths gifted him to me before he passed away. I loved him so much and then he got into trouble with you all and he was sealed away. Then he got even more angrier because he couldn't come back home with me." Naruto held his stomach and I chuckled "But I've never seen him warm up to someone like you Naruto. Good job on taming him." Naruto smiled brightly and I heard Kyūbi shout at Naruto 'We need to set her free! Now!!!' I put my hands together and I called out "Dodge these!" Blue spears appeared behind me, the ninja got ready and I pushed my hands forward and the spikes shot forward and nearly kills Naruto! I put my hands together and a white circle appeared in front of me, I yelled "I'm going to teleport! Be careful!" I ran through the portal and appeared behind the silver haired man. I grabbed him but his hair and yanked him back and put my arm around his neck and began to close off his air way. My hand began to glow dark blue and I yelled "Someone stop me!!!!!"  Naruto used Kyūbi's chakra and made two large hands and yanked my off of that guy! I heard the green suited man ask "Are you okay Kakashi??" The man nodded "Yes Guy." I growled "Naruto! Trap me in the seal!" He asked "I can do that??" I nodded and he listened as Kyūbi instructed him how to do so. I broke free from his grip and ran towards him! Suddenly one of the red gates slammed down on my body! I growled as I began to get up "Do it again!" He nodded and two more gates slammed down on my and effectively pinned me down! I growled as the imposter held his hand out and the chain appeared "Naruto!! Pull the spike out! Before he traps me again!!!" Kyūbi's chakra formed into arms and wrapped around the spike and I began to get dragged back!!! I felt a tank and fell to the floor and began to smirk as I felt his chakra leave my body... I got up and my chest healed very quickly as I turned around. I looked up seeing the god of shadows standing there with him... He snickered "Your still not going to join us are you??" I growled "I've went down that path before and I'm not making that mistake again!" He huffed "No one understands the darkness like we do-" I yelled slammed my fist down and causing the ground to crack and a light glow shined out briefly from my powers "Don't act like you understand them! What you possess is just a mere scratch on the surface!" I stood up and my eyes began to glow and my hair turned dark and more free flowing and my black wings came out. I appeared in front of him and pinned him to the ground "You are a human who challenged the gods! You were gifted with the powers you have, but I was born with them! I stand in yielding to the full force of these powers each and every night! So don't you dare challenge me!!!" My other hand began to glow dark blue and I slammed my hand to his chest and his eyes widen as the blue covered his body and he suddenly vanished. I turned to grab the imposter but he vanished! I growled "Show yourself coward!" He huffed "I'm not that stupid. Until next time." I growled and I went back to normal. I appeared in front of Naruto and his friends... I bowed to him "Thank you." He began to blush and I stood up grabbing his hand and said "For helping a god you receive the aid of one." Marks imprinted on his wrist and hand and I said "With these marks you can call on me any time you see fit. Suddenly I appeared on the same plan with Kyūbi! Naruto was there too. His eyes widen "What?? You can be here too?!" I chuckled "Of course I can Naruto." I walked into Kyūbi's cage and I opened my arms "Come here boy!" I began to grow and grew big enough to match Kyūbi! He ran and hugged my happily with all nine of his tails swaying happily!!! I kissed his head and scratched him all over and he was happy! Naruto watched with a small smile on his face... I kissed Kyūbi one last time and said "Now that I know where you are I'll be visiting more often." Kyūbi smiled happily "Good!" I shrunk back down and went up to Naruto "Which means I'll be seeing you a lot more." Naruto smiled brightly "I wouldn't mind!" I chuckled and said "I'm going to give you something." He asked "Oh do I have to fist bump you like all the others did??" I shook my head "Gods do things a little differently." I grabbed either side of his face and kissed him! Kyūbi snickered "Okay Naruto, now you've had a real kiss." The purpose of this kiss was to give him information and some of my power, plus he's kinda cute. I pulled away and Naruto began to get very red. We went back to the physical plan and I let go of his wrist and he got very red in real life. I let out a yawn and my wings stretched out and I said "I'll see you all later." Naruto shook his head and said blushing slightly "Okay! I can't wait!" I snickered and shot off into the air... Some mortals are okay.

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