Jasper x reader

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I hummed sitting as I walked on a part of the beach I've never been on before. I raised an eyebrow as I saw something... It was quite large, lots of white hair, orange skin?? I walked up to it and began moving the hair back and saw a strange lady with a stone on her face... I looked around and saw no one... I hummed "Guess I should do the right thing and help... This person out." I grabbed her by her hand and began tugging her along. Geez!!! She is heavy as fuck!!!! I made sure no one saw me dragging a body through town and dragged her into my house. I huffed and dragged her to the couch... I stood beside her and huffed again putting my hands on my hips... I wedged my hangs under her and growled using my leg strength to loft her up enough to get her on the couch. I panted slightly and patted her chest "Your a big one aren't ya?" I changed her clothes and put her in a white baggy t-shirt that was way too big for me but seemed to fit her just right and the put baggy shorts on her that were again too big for me but good for her. I got my fluffiest blanket and put it in the drier.. After a few minutes I pulled out the warm fluff and put it over her to warm her up. I dried her massive hair which took 3 towels!!! I sighed cooking spaghetti and left some for her but got mine and went and sat in front of my tv and turned it on. I began eating and bench watching a show I was really into. After I don't know how long I heard a her say "What the...?" I turned slightly and said "Oh hey! Your awake!" Suddenly I was pinned against the wall by my throat!!! My spaghetti crashed to the floor and the breath left my lungs!!! My eyes went wide as she growled "Who are you?? Where am I?? Where the heck are those crystal gems??" I angry hit me and I said "Hey!!! I saved you!!! And you ruined my god damn food!" She huffed dropping me "Stupid human..." I said rushing towards her "That's it!" My first slammed into her cheek making her eyes widen as she went tumbling back to the floor! I huffed relaxing and said in a strict tone "This is my house. I saved you out of my own kindness and even went through the effort to take care of you. I expect you to respect me under my roof. Do I make myself clear??" She growled holding her cheek as she looked up at me on her hands and knees. I said "I'd be very careful in my next actions and words if I were you. You don't wanna piss me off." I swiftly turned and walked to my kitchen and grabbed paper towels and a dust pan. The woman came in and I said not looking at her "I made you food if your hungry." She looked at the plate... I walked back to the living Room and began cleaning up the mess. I began sweeping up the shards of broken plate when I heard her say "What is this??" I jumped slightly and cut my hand! I hissed slightly but sighed and held my hand tightly "It's food. Stuff you eat and then it goes through you and your body takes energy from it and ya know... You do your business in the bathroom after words..." She hummed looking down at the food. I got up walking to the kitchen and turned on the water and opened my bloody hand. She asked scaring me again "You can change color??" I shook my head laughing slightly "No. I got hurt just now and this is blood." She asked confused "Blood?" I nodded "The stuff that runs through my whole body and keeps me warm and alive." She hummed... I cleaned my cute and wrapped it up and made sure it was secure and then went back to cleaning as she finally began to eat. I threw all the stuff away and cleaned the dishes...  She came in and asked "What do I do with this earth disk and tiny five tipped spear??" I poker faced and said grabbing the stuff from her "These are call Plates and Forks. Their used for eating." I began washing them and put them in the drying rack. I said drying my hands "Who are you?" She huffed standing tall "I am Jasper! I'm a strong elite and loyal warrior for my home world! I was created and live to serve yellow diamond." I blinked... "so your an alien?" She huffed "To you humans yes." I nodded acting calm "That would explain a lot of things...." I asked "So what's with the... Nose thing??" I poked to my nose and she reached up and touched the rock on her face. She said "It's my gem. Jasper. It's what I am, my core. Also I can summon a weapon from it." I asked interested "What's your weapon." She smiled and suddenly a helmet appeared in her head and I said "Whoa! That's cool!" She nodded pridefully. I said sticking my hand out "Well (Y/n) (L/n) a fellow inhabitant of earth!" She raised an eyebrow and slowly grabbed my hand. I chuckled "Well, you can stay here for as long as you'd like!" She said "I can here to destroy earth and your letting me stay here??" I shrugged "Sure why not? If I have less time to live then I thought I did then it would be cool to spend the last of my days with an alien who's got an attitude." She huffed and I sat down on my couch watching tv and Jasper sat by me. She asked "I thought humans live in Families?" She looked around. I chuckled "Yeah, sadly my family died so it's just me around here." She nodded and we spoke for sometime. She seemed more relaxed with me as she told me about how there were thousands of Jaspers just like her "-So it doesn't matter if I live or die. There will be another Jasper to take my place." I raised my eyebrow "What?? That's not true. You have a misunderstanding of things." She raised an eyebrow as I explained "Even though your race is very from mine, all creatures that can think for themselves are the same. There may be thousands of people who look like you, but they aren't you. None of them can compare to you because they don't know what you've been through, they don't know how you think or speak. They haven't experienced what you experienced. They haven't met the same people you have. So if you died tomorrow, not a single one cloud step in for you because they wouldn't know what to do." She looked like I just completely ruined her world... I sipped my tea "So don't think of yourself as an expendable person. You the only you in this whole entire life time." She chuckled "No one has ever saw me like that." I chuckled and said "Well your whole race has got the wrong idea then. Your suppose to love and cherish each other." She hummed and I chuckled... She was cute.

[Major time skip]
Well, Jasper has been living here for quite sometime now. It was raining outside and I walked into the kitchen and saw the sliding door open and Jasper was sitting under the covered part of the porch and watching the rain... I opened the door "Jasp? You okay??" She went "Hm?" And looked at me. She nodded smiling a bit "Yeah, I'm fine." I sat down beside her "What are you thinkin?" She sighed leaning forward "We never had this on Homeworld..." I asked "Rain?" She said seriously "Weather." I chuckled slightly "It's nice... It actually brings out certain emotions in people." She looked at me oddly. I sat up "Okay so the rain, it kinda let's you think about life, when it's cloudy people are kinda sad, when it's sunny and warm people are happy, and went it's cold people wanna cuddle up by the fire and sleep." She nodded... After a moment of silence she said "Ive never felt like this before..." I raised an eyebrow "What do you mean?" She looked at me ignoring my question "You, your important... I was made for yellow diamond but if I had to choose between her and you, I'd choose you. On Homeworld you work your way up to become something... Here I'm nothing." I asked frantically and grabbing her "Wait!!! Please don't tell me i made you feel like you were nothing!!!" She hugged me suddenly which is very odd for her "Of course not... You make me feel like I am everything... Like I'm the only me in this whole entire universe." I chuckled and hugged her back "You are the only you in this universe. I couldn't like any other Jasper as much as I like you." She chuckled and leaned up be I said grabbing her hair softly "I like you and your wild hair too much!" She grabbed a piece of my hair "Yours is wild too." I huffed "So." She sighed "Well. I want to sleep. Come on!" She picked me up easily and I said "Wait! G-Gems don't sleep!" She chuckled "They can." I complained "Hey! You just passed your room!" She hummed pleasantly "I wanna sleep with you though. I don't produce heat like you do and I like your heat." She closed my bed room door and set me in the bed. She got in and hugged my lovingly and I smiled and hugged her and sighed "I love you Jasper..." She smiled "I love you too."

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