America x Tsundere reader

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I closed my locker keeping my usual straight face. Another boring day in World academy... I groaned as I realized I had my next class with the most annoying man in the world... Alfred F. Jones. That boy was fucking annoying. I liked talking to Arthur, Francis, Matthew, hell! I even like to hang out with Ivan. But Alfred always bothered me, he often proclaimed to have love for me and even screams it at people who really don't care. I don't think it's true though, he has so many fan girls, it's impossible for a guy like that to ignore them all. I went and sat down by the window. I glared out the window until a loud voice called out into my ear "YOUR HERO IS HERE!" I let a growl erupt from my throat... I slammed my head to my desk... He sat beside me ranting on about how great we'd be together... I gripped the collar of his shirt and yanked him down causing him to go silent... "Alfred, first: Use your inside voice okay??" I spoke to him in a low threateningly calm voice "Second: We are nothing alike, so I disagree when you say we would be good together." I let him go huffing. His bright cute smile showed up on his face again "I disagree with you! We have lots in common! You just like to threaten people!" I shook my head with a dull glare towards him "Just you actually." He complained and hugged me while nuzzling his face "Come on! You don't really mean that!" I rolled my eyes "Think what you want." I crossed my arms not bothering to return his hug. Like usual. Though, I felt oddly hot, especially in my face... I tied up my hair and got to work as Alfred passed me notes saying sweet things that had hearts and stars scribbled around the complimenting words. Eventually school ended, I was walking home when Alfred came up to me "Hey! Can I walk you home." I growled "Only if your quiet." He nodded making the zipper motion on his mouth... I rolled my eyes and kept walking. Gilbert came up to him and they began to horse around... I rolled my eyes looking off somewhere else... Alfred was such a fucking idiot. Suddenly an elbow came flying into my face and I instantly dropped to my knees with a loud Yelp and tears coming from my eyes!!! I felt blood coming from my nose and Alfred instantly bent down next to me "(Y/n)!!! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-" I felt myself snap wig anger "You idiot!!! Get the hell away from me!!!" I pushed him away and started walking and he began to follow "Wait but-" I snapped at him letting him take the full intensity of my anger "I'm tired of you annoying me every single damn day!!! Your too loud and always make my day harder!!! For once just leave me alone!!!" He looked hurt and I huffed turning on my heel. I went home and my brother fixed me up... I sighed after my much needed shower... I sat on my bed and hummed, something seemed out of place. I looked at my phone, usually it would be blowing up with texts from Alfred-..... I held my head "Oh no..." Those things I said to him... I feel so guilty now. I was just so angry because I was hurt. Damn!!! Why do I have to get so angry! I didn't mean any of those things... They way he looked after I said them... Tomorrow I need to say sorry.

I sat down in my first class I shared with Alfred. I was waiting for him to come in, but the bell rang and he wasn't here... I frowned for a second but shook my head, maybe he's sick... I'll just apologize to him tomorrow.

I once again sat in my seat, I saw Alfred walk in with Arthur. I know he's here... Class stared and my eyebrows furrowed together... Where was he?? I looked around and saw him sitting in the farthest corner looking completely serious... I frowned looking forward... He's leaving me alone. I sighed laying my head down slightly depressed. I ruined everything....

__Some weeks later___

I was getting more and more depressed as the weeks passed. I missed Alfred so much. Arthur told me that Alfred hasn't been the same since that day, he says I should talk to him but I'm too scared to actually go up and address the problem... The bell rung and that was the end of school. I went to my locker taking my damn time because I pretty much was alone now. I grabbed some of my books and shut my locker. I walked down the hall getting my head phones out. But stopped when I heard laughing and snickering, what made me stop was the sound of Alfred in distress! I instantly walked into the direction. I rounded the corner and saw a guy with brown hair and piercings who had a baseball bat bullying Alfred! I growled with my fist clenching, the guy pinched Alfred's stomach "Is that were you keep your pet whale pork chop??" Alfred stayed quiet... I dropped my bag and headphones to the ground and my voice snapped out "Hey!" They both looked at me... The rough looking guy turned towards me, he grinned showing that he had a missing tooth "What's a pretty little thing like you doing here this late??" I kept my glare on him "Apologize to him now." I pointed at Alfred, the guy only laughed "Doll face, don't think I didn't hear about your little out burst towards him. Don't act like you care." My face went still and my first flew up and collided with his face!!! He fell on his ass holding his face "What the fuck?!" I grabbed the collar of his shirt and shoved him against the locker "Let me catch you saying things like that to home again and see what happens! Alfred is fucking perfect the way he is and I was wrong for telling him different! Understand??" He nodded hurriedly and I pushed him away "Now get the hell outta here!!!" He scrambled away. I huffed calming down... I looked at Alfred... I began to blush.... He was staring at me... He looked down and I walked over to him and sat down with him against the lockers...  It was quiet for a long time. I blurted out "I'm sorry Alfred." He looked at me and I kept looking down not wanting to embarrass myself even more "I didn't mean any of those things I said. I just get angry when I get hurt like that, that's nor an acceptable excuse though...." I scratched the back of my head "I... Didn't mean it when I wanted you to leave me alone. Even if I act annoyed towards you...." I shrugged throwing my hands out "You were basically the high light of my day. Hell, I didn't admit it to myself at first-But I looked forward to our classes, lunch, and you walking me home everyday...." I sighed... "but I can't change how I hurt you, all I can do is say sorry..." I looked at my thighs thinking about how much I messed up... Alfred stood up. I sighed heavily, he's still angry with me... A hand came into view "So can I walk you home today?" I looked up at him surprised and he had a light but confident and bright smile on his face... I smiled gratefully and grabbed his hand "Of course, The hero has to make sure I get home safe right??" His smile became bright and I grabbed my bag as we walked out of the school and he started talking about how terrible it was not talking to me and staying away from me all the time... He said with one last breath "But I just really wanted you to be happy so I left you alone." I huffed blushing again "Well don't do I again. I messed up." He smiled and asked "So!...." I looked at him "Does this mean you finally accept being my girlfriend??" He held out his hand as we made it to the side walk, we both paused as I looked at his hand... I smiled at him "Yes. Because what's a hero to do with out his girl?" He smiled brightly and held my hand tightly as we continued walking "Exactly!!!" Once to my house and leaned down and kissed my forehead "I'll see you tomorrow okay??" I rolled my eyes "Your gonna be texting me all night aren't you?" He skipped away singing "Of course~" he gasped and broke into a sprint "I GOTTA TELL IGGY!!!" I rolled my eyes but smiled and walked inside.

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