Kankuro x reader

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I let out a scream as I fell face first into the sand. This is almost heart breaking!!!! I thought that I was so sure in what I wanted to do and what I wanted to make a name for myself with cool weapons and bladed fans but here we are... I lost interest and now I don't even want to touch one! I felt like crying right now. I wanted too but I ain't no weak ass bitch. I felt a nudge on my side "Hey are you dead?" I yelled "Kankuro shut your whore mouth!!!" He snickered slightly "Yup, still kicking." I rolled over and sighed "Sorry, I'm just in a really bad mood today." He raised an eyebrow "Why?" I asked "You know that feeling you get when you use your puppets and you feel really badass??" He nodded smiling "Best feeling in the world!" I sighed "Well that's how I used to feel when I used my weapons but now I don't feel anything and I don't want to touch them or anything... I lost that feeling..." Kankuro frowned and said "Hey how about you just take a break from them for a couple days! I'm sure you'll get back into it." I let out a groan and he grabbed my hand and dragged my body through the sand as I went limp and he huffed dragging me still "Come on! We're gonna go find some other fighting styles to do!"

[Time skip]
Temari chuckled "Here! Use mine." I complained "I doubt using a bigger fan will do anything." Kankuro pushed me "Come on!" I huffed and Temari showed me how to use it. I nodded and i swung in but t back fired and I went flying into the opposite wall!!! I groaned and fell to the ground as Kankuro came to my side and Temari lost it and broke out laughing... Kankuro hummed "Maybe we should try something else." I yelled looking at him growling "You think?!?" So now we're on our way to see Gaara. I huffed as I watched Gaara do his thing with his sand "Kankuro I'm not like Gaara. I can't control sand like that." He huffed "You never know till you try!" Gaara explained to me how to do it so now it was my try. I put my hands around a clump of sand and infused my chakra into it and little pieces began to float up!!! Kankuro smiled sitting next to me "Cool!!" Gaara started "Kankuro it will be dangerous if she doesn't concentrate-" the sand suddenly spazzed out and hit Kankuro straight in the face and made him go tumbling back!!! I gasped with my hands over my mouth "Kankuro! I'm so sorry!!!" He held his face groaning and Gaara put his hand on my should "He's durable. It'll be fine." He walked away and I asked poking Kankuro "You still alive??" In response he just let out another groan in pain while rolling to his side...


I plopped down on the couch and groaned "Maybe it's just time for me to throw in the towel and become a house wife." Kankuro said with an ice pack sitting on his forehead "(Y/n) you and I both know that you'd hate being a house wife." I shrugged "It'd be fun to make babies though... I mean not the nine months part by ya know... The sex." He peeked out at me "The sex??" I nodded "doing the sex." He started laughing and I started to snicker... God we were so immature. But this was why we are best friends and why he is my long time childhood crush. He asked "How'd you even get into fans??" I shrugged smiling and looking up at the ceiling "When I was a kid, my mom would take me to this festival every year... There, people would dance with each other and look so happy and full of love, and then out of no where the performers would come out and they had these cool metal fans that they would dance and do tricks with and I remember seeing how amazed people would be and I just remember wanting someone to look at me like that...." I sighed... I looked at Kankuro and found him already staring at me! I looked down at my feet hunching over on my knees, I was also hiding my blushing face "Oh well. Guess I wasn't too fond of it." It was a few minutes of silence until Kankuro gasped "I got it!!" He pulled out a poster from his pocket "In the next village over there's a festival going on! Maybe they'll have some dancers there and you'll get inspired again!!!" I sighed "Kankuro..." He shook his head with stars in his eyes "Come on!!! Just this last thing! okay?!" I smiled "Okay okay, when is it??" He smiled brightly "Tonight!!! I'll come and get you okay??" I nodded and he left my home... I laughed to myself "Never gives up on me does he..." I got ready and everything and we left to go to the festival and eventually made it just as it started... We were both wearing our ninja clothing but still looked nice. I got a stick with fried chicken on it and munched on it as we walked... Kankuro asked "See anything you like??" I shrugged. He sighed and kept looking around... People ran past us laughing as loud music started to play making us pause slightly, people were dancing and so full of love and happiness. Much like when I was a kid... Kankuro grabbed me smiling "Come on! Let's dance!!!" I complained as he dragged me out "Kankuro..." He swung me around "Please just try..." I sighed and began to dance with me. I began to laughed and giggle as we danced energetically. He spun me around once again and dipped me making my laugh but suddenly he kissed me!!! My eyes went wide and he seemed to realize what he was doing! He jolted back blushing so darkly that you could see it through his face paint... I blinked and the smiled looking around and said "You know what?? I think I found my inspiration again." He looked up surprised "Really?!" I nodded "Yup! Hey how about we just get a hotel room around here?? I'm kinda tired from all the dancing." I giggled a bit while smiling at him. He smiled "Sure!" We found one that was open and decided to share a room... It was pretty quiet ever since he kissed me... we both sat in our room doing our own thing... He was working on his puppet and I was reading a book. I got up and crawled towards him... I hugged him from behind "Kankuro..." He hummed "What?" I asked innocently "Why'd you kiss me and then suddenly stop?" He paused and said getting red again "Because I got too into the moment and you didn't say I could kiss you." I asked putting my head on his shoulder "Do you... Like me?" He chuckled and seemed to not even be flustered by it any more "Like doesn't even begin to explain how I feel about you." I began to blush now and he said smiling "We've been best friends for the longest time and I always remember you cheering me on and always supporting me and I'm glad that for once I got to support and cheer you on instead... I always wondered if you did it because we were two odd kids out or because you liked me as more then a friend... Well I did it because I love it when you look happy and determined. Because I love you." I squealed "AWWW!!!!" I tackled him in a hug making him laugh and I kissed him and said "I love you too kitten!" He huffed blushing and I chuckled "So wanna to The Sex??" He started laughing "Not when you say it like that!!!" I said in a nerdy voice "But it's good to do The sex!!!" We both started laughing and just leaned into each other... He kissed my noise making my crinkles my nose "Thank god you like me as much as I like you." I shrugged "What can I say?? I got a think for creepy guys who like to play with dolls." He yelled getting an irk Mark "I AM NOT CREEPY AND THEY ARE BATTLE PUPPETS!"

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